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Still on my bed remembering what just happened, is making me still wanna laugh at it.
I felt and heard my stomack growl of hunger. Oh yeah, I haven't really eaten anything. I guess I have to go to the throne room... again today. And ask if I can actually eat something. Jeesus, how long has it been since I last ate.
I get of my bed and open the door. To see a skeleton already standing there. I froze, to see the weird skele that called me lazy once. He still had his hood over his head and his jacket was covered in dust.
He didn't have his maniacal grin this time. He was just looking deep into my soul. It was pretty awkward. He turned his eyes the other direction, like he was listening someone telling him something. But there was nothing there.
"Yeah, but I have had enough staring at it-" he said to... umm the air. And walked off like nothing even happened, still talking to the air or his made up person.
Well you won't see that everyday and by just standing here won't fill up your stomack. You started heading towards the room with da throne. Where Nightmare should be. You made it there, without seeing any skeletons. Appart from horror going in the kitchen again. Anyway you opened the doors you see the shiny/black room yadi yadi yada. You also saw Nightmare sitting on his throne or let's say more looking like hes sleeping.
Maybe you can wait a bit longer on waiting for food. Maybe you can just come back later. Yeah thats sounds like a good plan. Your stomack didn't really agree with you and let out a big roar. You got super embarresed, but atleast Nightmare was asleep so he problably didn't hear it. You start to leave until-
"So your hungry..?" came the dark voice. You looked back to see Nightmare fully awake.
"Umm... y-yeah...
Did I-I wake you u-up, b-by my stomack g-growling?"
"Actually I wasn't sleeping at all and I heard that growl loud and clear"
"Now I could feed you, but then you might have some positive emotions to that, but if I don't then I'm risking the fact that you might die" he took a few seconds to think what to do and anwsered:
"Well I'm not going to risk it, so eat as much as you want, but be at your room before nine"
"O-of course y-you're majesty, a-and also t-thank you" you said and started leaving the room.
"But I don't really want you to go alone, so let me call someone real quick" he said and snapped his fingers.  Into the room teleported a skeleton of course. With the hoodie on his head. You knew wich one this was, the one that you had an awkward staring contest with.
"Dust, I can't let the human wander off on their own, so go accompany them to the kitchen" said Nightmare to the skeleton who's name was supposedly dust. He turned around and started leaving the room. You stood there for a second and then ran after him, to catch up. You both walked to the kitchen with him still not talking to you, but he did talk to this imagenery friend he has. You finally made it there and thankfully horror had finished his lunch/dinner.
"SO!.. Yeah but... they're a human, WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY WILL DO. What if they are like CHARA?"  yelled dust at a wall. Now I don't know who this 'chara' person is, but dust said they're name like it was the most disgusting thing in the world. You just slowly headed towards the fridge and opened to see that horror didn't eat the whole fridge. He had left a single carrot. Because of your hunger then you emmiedetly started wolfing it down and in a second it was gone. And now the fridge was officially empty. You saw that dust had ended his arguement with the wall.
"Horror ate all the food again..?" he asked.
"Y-yeah, but I g-guess I'll b-be fin-" your stomack didn't like the fact that you where denying food, so it started whining. But it hurt a lot, why? BECAUSE MAYBE SOMEONE FORGOT TO FEED THEY'RE PET HUMAN.
"You have to wait a few minutes, then it will spawn and you can eat" he said and at the same time you really wanted to ask about who he was talking about, to pass time and because you were curios. But last time you asked out of curiosaty, then turns out that the dude is feeding humans to its kind. But ugh the urge to ask it is just wanting to escape my lips. No I won't ask, I won't ask, I won't-
"Who w-where you t-talking t-t-to" and I asked *brain sigh*, great.
"My brother papyrus, but he is taking a time out right now"
"He said weird things about you, that made me feel weird"
"Oh o-ok"
You heard a weird ting coming from the fridge and you opened it to see what it is. And ho oh glory it's FOOOD.
You grab all of your favorites, because the thing is full of all kinds of stuff. You put them on the table and start wolfing 'em down. Not even caring if you look weird or not. The olny thing in your mind, is that how much can you thank god for letting you have this excusiete meal.
"You really where that hungry huh" he says in a joking voice. You just nod and continue eating. You're finnaly stuffed for a long while and feel very sleepy now. You felt your eyes grow heavy. NO! I must not fall asleep, must.. not.... fall . .. .. asleep.

Dusts pov:

'They fell asleep. Not gonna lie, papy was right. She is pretty cute. Wait... WHAT?!! What was that thought?!!' I was very confused and wanted to slap myself, since when do I think humans are cute. Welp, I guess I have to get her to her room now or Nightmare might kill me. I use my magic to pick her up and teleport her to her room. I drop her to her bed and she sleeps peacfully. I went a bit closer and swiped a piece of hair out of their face. Suddenly they grab my jacket and hold on to it tightly. They look like they weren't having a really great time in that dream or nightmare they were having. They loosened up a bit and I was freed so I went to my room and didn't really feel like eating anymore.

(A/N): whats this?! A new chapter already. I can't believe my eyes. And also thank yall for so many of you liking this story and supporting me. It makes me want to write more :). Anyway I will see if I will have time another time to write more. For now I will say good bye.

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