Part 35

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*(Y/N)'s pov*
He wants to play videogames again? Well I'm pretty sure we remember what happened last time. Him just threatening me for being better than him in his game. I mean, I could try to get second place and still kinda have fun..?
Meh sure, whats the worst thing that could happen, appart from him killing me.

"Okay, umm is it the same game..?"
"This one is a new one, so I also wont be the best at it. Also if you win me again this time, then I wont kill you or do anything bad, I just overreacted last time"
I think it was a bit more than overreacting...
"Well? Come on your seat is right here" Killer said, I then went there, sat down and well started playing.

The game wasn't very diffrent from the first one that we playied. I could also kind of tell, that he wasn't as good at playing this than in the first one, because it had diffrent mechanics
(yes I english)

We playied it for a while and the odd thing was, that Killer didn't dose off this time. It was as if he didn't sleep at all.
But I myself do need sleep, so I can survive just another of these skeletons.
We ended a match and I told Killer, that I'm going to my room to doze off now.

But now he had the same expression again... the one that he had, when I won him at the previos game.

"Why can't you just sleep here?" he didn't change the expression and defenetly not the gaze.
"Well ya'know I have my own bed and I have to take care of Fiddle and it would be nice to sleep one night without worrying about skeletons." I anwsered him.
"Are the others bugging ya?" he asked again.
"Well I mean, kinda..? Cause I mean, they wont leave me alone and they're all selfish for just doing what they want to me and not caring what I want..." I sounded a bit sad while saying this.

"Am I bugging you..?" Killer asked again.

I was scared to anwser, but better let him know, than keep it inside me forever. I mean there were million things I wanted to say to my mom. But I will never be able to...

"When you, ya'know, threaten me. I don't actually know why you're doing it. It's like you want me to do things I don't want to do. I mean, think about it, what if I told you, that I will never talk to you again, if you win me at a game thats supposed to be made to have fun. It just sounds ridicoulus." I spoke my mind and Killer actually started to think about it.

"If you would tell me that, then I would problably kidnap you and make you talk to me though" said Killer. I guess I can't do any negotiation with him. I think he's gone a but crazy over me. That is such a weird thought, that I never knew I will have. Am I really that sad?

Anyway, I want sleep. I get up and say a quick goodnight to Killer and I see him trying to stop me from leaving the room.
"Killer, just being in your room forever wont make me love you more, I don't want that kind of life, to be treated like a pet. So stop being selfish." I anwsered and I swear to god thats the smartest thing I have ever said. As if I knew what he was doing and I was trying to change his mind. I guess being sleepy makes you very wise.
Killer didn't stop me from leaving the room anymore. So that's what I did. I left. And entered my room.
I changed my clothes, I bounced on the bed and was ready to sleep.
Now isn't it funny, that you feel tired, but when you try to go to sleep, then the tiredness just leaves, like poof.
Cuz thats what just happened. I am laying on my bed, gently stroking Fiddles back.

For some reason I wish dust was here, so I could talk to him or something. Yeah I know that he's a creepy stalker, but then I would have somebodys presance.
Did Crosses spooning really affect me this much?

And I still can't fall asleep. Maybe I should go back to Killers room..? Well it would be pretty embarassing. I mean, I just gave him a lecture.
Hmm who haven't I talked to for a while....

Nightmare-defenetive nope

Killer- just left his room

Dust- I'll think about it

Horror- hes still a bit scary

Fell- he is trying his best to make me like him, so maybe...

Swapfell- I can't really look at him in the eye after that kiss

Error- actually.. I haven't talked to him in a while.

I guess it's decided, I'm going to talk to Error.

I stood up from my bed, Fiddle seemed to be a bit annoyed. Maybe, because he was just asleep and I woke him up. Damn why am I such a bother?
If I think that then why am I going to Error's room anyway, just to bother him. Is it so he wont like me anymore? Maybe.
I didn't even think about what I was doing at the moment. I was apperantly already walking towards his room.

Well.. no going back now. I knocked on the door.
The door opened and Error was there.
"What dO yOu WaNt gLitCh?" Asked Error.
"I can't sleep, so I w-wanted to ask if I could hang out w-with you a bit..?" I asked, of course stuttering. Am I really still scared of this dude?
"I don't KnOw, lAst TimE yOu RuInEd mY fAvOrite sHow." Error said. Well I guess so, I mean there was a spanish me that married a spanish sans. What does it mean, are the sanses soulmates to me or something- Noo (Y/N) don't try to get hope, they will end up hating you and ignoring you anyway!!!! What a stupid thought!
"WhAts WrOng wIth yOuR faCe?" Asked the glitchy skeleton. Thats when I felt my face being hot. Was I blushing? Over the thought of these sick skeletons being my soulmate??!?
(Y/N) I can't believe you actually like them... do I?

"Sorry, I'll guess I will jus-"
"cOme In" Error invited, so you entered the room. It looked like the others, it was messy as usual, but somehow less than the others.
You saw a doll on Errors bed. Now this isn't what you would usually see in a grown mans bed. But the thing that made it more unusual, was the fact that the doll looked like you.

Error noticed you looking at his bed and quickly tried to hide the doll. As if you already didn't lay your eyes upon it. Well he thought wrong. The doll was dressed in your usual clothes. Ah yes how lovely.

Error looked like a banana.

I guess its his way of blushing.
"Hey Error m-may I see your doll?" I asked, I wanted to see how it really looked like, you didn't really have time to gaze it fully.
"YoU're nOt wEiRded oUt?" asked the banana.
"Oh I'm centerly weirded out, I just wanna s-see how it looks like" you answered. And so Error gave you the doll. It looked as if a one hundred year old professional granny did it. Whats a mad flex, because this doll was well made. The eyes were (E/C) buttons. The clothes looked just like your own and the hair was (H/C) string. The doll looked easy, but pretty.
"This is really good" you muttered out.
"Well iTs nOt as If I wAs tRyinG to mAke It look gOod eNough For You.." Error said shily, actually never expected for him to act like that. Who knew Error was such a softie. It would really come in handy if all of the others were like this. Like I would be in heaven, instead of this endless abyss of torturing.
"Well, I think it looks good" I smiled at him kindly. I saw a bit of yellow tint again, coming from him.
Is a smile all you need to do to win guys? Huh, weird.
"Actually Error I have an idea with your dolls, can you make more of me dolls?"


(A/N):"welp another finished chapter for now, thank you for reading :).
Also I wanted to say, that I made a new book of oneshots, where you could request sanses and I will do a oneshot of that. It would really help me out on it and not to worry I wont stop writing this book, cuz I also really like how this is going and I don't think that its even near to be finished. Okay have a nice rest of the day!! Bye"

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