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(Y/N)'s pov:
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY GHOST!" you heard yourself yell out to the skeleton with the brush.
"Im sorry (Y/N), but we don't have time to explain." he anwsered.
"Then she is no use to me... I might aswell kill her" said Nightmare and you saw his tentacles coming towards you with an alarming speed. You didn't have time to dodge, but you still moved a bit because of your reflexes. You got hit in the arm and it started bleeding.
'If Im a ghost then how can I bleed... are the other skeletons trying to trick them into thinking Im a ghost..?'
"(Y/N)!!" you heard the more colourful skeletons say.
"Heh knew it... she ain't no ghost if she can bleed. And you dummies tried to trick me into thinking your stupid lie.." you heard Nightmare say.

Was it just you or did the whole worlds sound go away..? Your legs felt limpy and your eyes also started to darken.
'Is this what fainting feels like.?' you thought and collapsed to the floor. Clearly yes, that you did faint.

Ink's pov:
The human with the name (Y/N) had collapsed on to the ground. Problably fainted of bloodloss...
"We have to get her to sci fast!!" I yelled to dream and blue.
"Ho no you don't.!" said dust and started to fire bones at us. Fortunately dream and blue grabbed (Y/N) before she could get hit again. They made a portal trying to get to sci. The bad sanses didn't really give up and tried to get her back. I held them back as much as possible so I can get out too. Gladly I did, but we have to heal (Y/N) fast...
'Ugh why did I have to yell to bring her to sci.." I mentally beated myself up.

I made it to the labortory.
Dream and blue seemed to be trying to convince sci to heal (Y/N). He eventually gave in, thankfully, but we still have to hurry.
"How long would (Y/N)'s healing take?" I asked. He looked at me, thought a bit and said:
"I think somewhere three hours"
"Don't worry most of that time takes her to regain contiosne-"
"Wha- who..." all of us turned to look at the now without a scratch human.
"YOU'RE ALIVE" yelled again blue and ran towards her to give her a hug.
But when he was doing that then I saw fear in (Y/N)'s eyes and she raised her hand.
I realised what was going to happen so I quickly teleported near blue, grabbed him, and teleported back.
Such as sanses bone attacks, then hers was kinda same, just without bones, but instead with black aura.
It had come out of the ground threateningly fast and at the same time it had a fear vibe to it.

It almost had touched dream.

It was there for a few seconds and then dissappeared.

I looked at her and she seemed to be in shock.
"I-I didn't mean to, I'm very sorry!"she said and stood up to run towards blue and see if hes okay. He was in shock aswell, but thankfully not hurt.
When (Y/N) realised that everything is alright, then she loosened a bit.
"O-okay, but know about all t-this ghost thing?" she asked still confused.
I sighed and started explaining, sci also interested sat down to listen.

"You see... ghost's like you don't just appear after death. Some ghosts like you are still here either because:
1. They are seeking revenge
2. They have unfinished business
And 3... is the one why you died."

"What's number three?"

(Y/N)'s pov:

I asked.
"Number three means that you have done suicide..." said ink and my mind was blown, but not in the good way.
"NO! It can't be that... . ... .! How did I then always got burgers from that one damned place, with that nice lady who didn't ignore me for my
choice.... . ..... .." I quietened down realising that... I am a ghost. Now feeling hot tears stream down my face.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), but it was your choice... and your ghost brain had to think of something out so you wouldn't think that you actually did do that.
A lot of other people usually guess it out earlier, bu-"
"OH SO KNOW YOU ARE CALLING ME A GHOST AND DUMB!!" I had cut ink up. I usually don't act like this, but I just feel so angry.
"(Y/N)! I know you are in shock, but let me tell you all I know. The nice burger lady must have been a ghost too if she had sawn you and interacted with you."


"Because being a ghost makes you into a half monster, a being such as us but just look diffrent! I don't make the rules so I don't know a lot too."

"Then why heal me if I am a ghost, shouldn't I be dead then. Or in like heaven or something?!"

"Because of the fact that you are still here and a half human, then you still have a phisycal body. That meaning you can get hurt and DIE again!"

"Ink that's enough you are scaring
(Y/N)!" yelled dream, busting into the arguement.
"Let her just calm down and embrace the knowledge she now knows"
"Wait! (Y/N), how good are you at controlling your powers?" ink asked.
"I-I'm not v-very good" you said. Not shily, but still shocked.
You didn't feel like talking right now, you just want to go to your own room in the attick and cry. You want to go to your family and say how much they mean to you. You know they wont be able to hear, but you can atleast try.
"That isn't good enough, we have to get her to reaper" said ink, also who is that. Please tell me it's not another skeleton you can't handle any right now or never again.
"Wait! Isn't this a bit early?" said dream.
"We don't really have time, we have to get to him before Nightmare gets to us"
'Don't say that name, don't say that name, don't say that name please'
"Alright, if you say so. Come on (Y/N) we will get you to a better place"
You looked at him in the eyes.
"What to you mean... like the afterworld or..?" I asked.
"Yeah you will have fun there, you can be happy again and get rid of all of that despair and sadness" he anwsered.
"Wait, no I want to say goodbye" you say still stuborn on the fact.
"We really don't have time and they won't hear you anyway, I'm sorry being the one to say this, but we really have to go before Nightmare comes" said ink. You felt your eyes get wet again signaling you that you are about to cry
"Alright.." you anwsered and started following the skeletons.

"WeLl I aIn'T leTTiNg iT hApPen" said the too familiar glitching voice.
Of course it was the creepy skeleton who makes puppets of his victims who he is going to kill later.
He seemed to be peeking out of a glitchy portal thing and he seemed very confident of the scare he had pulled on everyone.
Error snatched you with those blue strings again and through the portal you were hearing yourself scream.

You plopped onto the ground, what is also very familiar. Nightmares castle.
"WeLl gOtTa Go TeLl Nightmare Of tHis" error said leaving you into that forsacen room you had to call your own. You never had liked it. It was just so black and you could almost forget another colour existed.
'Ghost...' you thought and again feeling tears come into your eyes. You have a bed, but you won't be sleeping in it what he gave you. So you just go to the walls and cry out what you had been holding back.

Error's pov:
I go to Nightmares throne room to tell him what I had just found out.

I have to say it was a shame I couldn't talk to the human longer. I saw that they were strugguling to hold those tears in. If only I could have stayed a bit more then she would have started bawling her eyes out. Yet thinking on how many other's I have seen. Then I can't wait to see her's. Would they be another colour now because she is a ghost? Or would they be boring human tears? When she would be crying, then would her (E/C) light up more?

To my grief I had already made it to Nightmares throne room.
'WeLp dAydreams don'T lAsT forevER' I thought and opened the doors. It's so weird that I only walked here, not teleport.
"You got the human?" asked Nightmare.
"Of CoUrSe I gOt them, wHy would I bE hErE tHen" I anwsered, I myself am not as scared of Nightmare. I know what he is capable of doing, but I know he wouldn't even try to hurt me.
"Good, now tell me what do you know about them being a 'ghost'?"


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