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You now were in your room and in shock you see cross in there. You were startled, but quickly remembered that you had to be positive. So that's what you did.
"Umm hey cross" you said. You were happy that you didn't stutter, but you didn't really know how to be positive with this guy.
"So... I haven't seen a certain human come into my room to be killed..." he anwsered plainly and you had felt your heart sanking. Oh yeah you had to go to his room after finding out that you are a ghost that is going to be traumatised for a long time and now know the skeleton who had to kill said ghost, decides to come and confort about this a month later.
How are you supposed to be positive about this?! Are you just going to do a cute anime smile and say "oops sorry about that", yeah not happening.
"S-sorry, I must have forgot" this is what you said... HOW IS THIS ANY DIFFRENT FROM THE THING THAT YOU SAID THAT YOU AREN'T GOING TO SAY!
"No worries. I can just kill you here." when he finished saying that then he quickly had thrown a knife at your direction. And not just any knife. A huge red one. You thankfully had dodged it, but it was very close to death.
"Or I can spare you... You see, I can't really afford that..." he was now holding another knife and started slowly walking towards you. The knife behind you had dissappeared so you safely walked to your lovely wall.
"... because I really want to rebuild my universe. But for that I need a human soul. I of course need another monster soul, but I can't really get that from here. Back to the point then, will we do this the easy way or the hard way..?" he asked and now he had pinned you on the wall, with his trusty dissappear and reappear knife.
'Okay positive thoughts, positive thoughts...' you had thought being in this not easy situation.
"I am quite sorry to what happened to your universe to be needing to be rebuilt like this. By killing a human and a monster. But maybe there is another way, there has to be. And I can help you, even if it means finding it." you were quite proud of that sentance. It sounded very smart and you didn't even stutter this time. Cross on the other hand, looked at you in disbealif. He got mad too, he had also a purple hue on his cheeks. But left soon. Thats good, because you don't really want to die.
He backed off a bit and turned his head to listen to the person he was talking to. He reminded you of dust, where he would also just talk with thin air.
"Maybe..." said cross and more of yesses, some no's and more maybe's came out of his mouth. How does he even say the letter 'm', he doesn't have lips? Okay it doesn't matter.
"WHAT?!" cross had yelled in the air and jumped for a second.
"No no no no no... okay maybe, BUT DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!" he had continued and now you were starting to get quite interested about what was he talking about. Sadly you didn't hear the person cross was talking with and you can't ask him at the moment, because he was clearly having a arguement and getting more angrier by the second. Again you noticed that by his purple hue. Wow they are easy to read, when they're angry.
He suddenly had teleported out of the room. Okay then...

*horror's pov:*
It was kind if dissapointing not seeing the human feel fear. But she instead smiled. For some reason, it was almost as great as seeing her being scared. Instead she said that she was listening on what happened in my AU, instead of being scared of my voice so much that she didn't want to listen. But she did listen to me and used it to not be scared of me anymore. But when she smiled after that. Then I have to say, my soul has never melted like this, well thats what other monsters say when feeling such a feeling right? The feeling was amazing, but more was her face. Maybe I can not just be this monster and actually be something more..? I am going to make sure that I see that smile more by making her like me back.

*crosses pov:*
"SHUT UP CHARA, SO WHAT SHE's cute... and sweet and so small..— what I'm trying to say is that I don't like them. They are another boring human." I had yelled at Chara, he just rolled his eyes.
"Then you might not be so mad when I say I quite liked her sweet face and wanted to hug her~" now this made me want to slap this brat harder than ever. But of course I can't when he's a ghost... wait.
"How can (Y/N) not see you when you are also a ghost?"
"Hey you said her name and not that she's a prisoner" chara mockingly anwsered. Now I just started trying to hit him, I didn't care that he can't feel it. He started acting as if he was tired and did a fake yawn.
"Aauuuugh... wake me up when you are willing to accept your feelings" he said and now pretending to be asleep. He also slowly dissappeared for now, meaning he was taking a small time out.
'Maybe I do like her...'

(A/N): sorry but this is more of a smaller chapter. Also I realised My chapters are starting to look the same so I'm going to try to think some things that might happen here. Anyway again thank you for reading and have a good day/night or afternoon.

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