And so the plan begins

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(Y/N)'s pov:
Cross was still touching my hair when Nightmare came in, but quickly took them off.
"Cross, here you are. We are going to head out now. Also (Y/N), you are coming with us too." Said Nightmare with his deep voice as usual. Cross walked out of the room and Nightmare opened the door and said: "ladies first~"
"Oh, then the way is clear for you" you said sarcastically. If you are going to die then you are going to die, without stuttering and actually saying the things that are wanting to escape your mind through your mouth.
Nightmare looked mad and suddenly you weren't in the castle anymore. You were somewhere in the woods with snow all over the place.
"Well what do we have here. A little dessert for a little while..." said someone behind you. You turned around to see someone looking like dust, but he didn't have dust on his jacket and also didn't have a hood over his head. And didn't had any maniacal irises. More like hungry... he also looked a bit like fell because he had sharp teeth.

{(A/N) real quick, I know that this dude isn't very popular, (atleast I think)but the au his in is pretty dark

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{(A/N) real quick, I know that this dude isn't very popular, (atleast I think)but the au his in is pretty dark. The au's name is predatortale and the olny way monsters could survive in that au is by consuming humans. He doesn't belong to me but to 'Foxy-Sierra' on devianart}

'I guess this is another sans I have to listen to'
"Um, hi I'm (Y/N), whats your's?"
"Hi lunch, my names sans" after he said that then you were above ground with blue hue around you. You now knew that no, this isn't another one of Nightmares miniones, but a psycho who is literly trying to eat me right now.
'And of course I had to die, when I finally spoke rightfully, that didn't contain stuttering in it... ' Okay now you just have to quickly find a way how to start eating blood so you can escape. But the weird hue wouldn't let you move. Welp doesn't hurt to yell help, but I would problably be doomed one way or another.
"HELP, SOMEBODY PLEASE" you heard yourself scream. You never really knew why you were still wanting to live. Even though you were always pretty critic about yourself.
"PREDATOR LEAVE (Y/N) ALONE!!" yelled a skeleton with a blue bandanna. He looked like swapfell, but just not edgy. He had a lot of blue on almost every clothing item he had. He was accompanied by two other skeletons where one had a lot of yellow and the other was having a huge paintbrush, holding it like a sword.
"The fuck... LOOK I NEVER EXPECTED YOU GUYS TO COME AND SEE ME, BECAUSE APPERANTLY I'M NOT POPULAR ENOUGH, SO LEAVE ME BE, SO I CAN BRING THIS HUMAN TO PAPYRUS!!!" he yelled and seemed pretty mad. You didn't know who these skeletons are, but this guy seemed to know them.
The skeletons started moving closer and the skeleton with the brush seemed light on their toes and ready to fight. He finnaly moved and swung his brush with pink paint swinging towards this 'predator'. After 'predator' was covered in paint, then it turned into chain kind of ropes and held him tight. From shock the dude let go of his magick, meaning you fell in the snow.
This battle already seemed quite unfair, with three magical skeletons vs one magical skeleton. But overall you were saved from being eaten.
The skeleton who was tied down with the pink strings started crunting and trying to free himself. The other three skeletons approched you and you were ready to make a wound, because of your learning, that magical skeletons aren't a good news.
You were starting to look around for sharp objects and soon found a rock. You but it near your hand to start breaking your skin, but the rock was magically taken away from you with telekinisis kind if powers.
"HUMAN THERE IS NO NEED OF DOING THAT.." he yelled, you hearing sadness in his voice.
"Please we are only here to help you. We aren't going to hurt you so please don't make this difficult with your magic." said the skeleton with a lotta yellow.
'Wait how does he know about my magic..?' I asked myself. I'm pretty sure that only Nightmares miniones knew about it. And also how did he know that I had to hurt myself to activate it?!
"Yes I know you have a lot of questions, but we don't have time right now, so I need you to trust us and we will bring you to safety." said the yellow skeleton. You didn't know what to expect, so you just nodded your head and started to grab the skeleton's hand and see where it would take you. You saw him more clearly and he had a yellow scarf with orangy stripes on it. He had a black shirt and a belt that wrote 'DS' on it.
Suddenly a knife dashes through between your's and the skeleton's hand. It came from the trees.

"GODDAMNIT KILLER THATS TOO EARLY!!!" yelled a skeleton with a too familiar voice to someone who you knew with the name of killer.
"Sorry I don't know what came up from me, but never mind THAT YOUR LAME BROTHER HAS NOTICED US!!" yelled killer back at Nightmare. You could faintly see them from the trees and bushes. But it became clearer to see as they jumped out and looked ready to attack. The skeleton with the paintbrush, cane closer as like to shield you. You saw him closer now and he had a ink spot on his right cheekbone. With him also having a huge beige scarf and a white shirt with some kind of brown jacket on it. He had weird veils filled with diffrent coloured liquid. And he wore brown pants.
"Look Nightamre I know that why you would try to capture a human. But a ghost with this kind of stuff going on then I just don't get it!" said the skeleton with the brush and... what did he mean by 'ghost'.


(A/N):" so a cliffhanger and a chapter deserved to you people after all these weeks. And yeh still not good at these so bye and I hope I will do the next one soon"

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