Part 9

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'Ok ok, calm down and think'
I coudln't remember anything that could have given me these *ahem* cat ears and tail. The word sent shiveres down my spine. I don't hate these things, cause I used to have a dream where I will have these. Its just sad that I couldn't have them earlier. Well that was the olny thing i did. Daydream, because... I had noone to talk to.

A weird portal opened up in my room, it was glitching and lagging. Trough it came, suprise suprise... a skeleton. But this one was weird. He was all black and was also glitching ans lagging. He again, looked like the other Sanses, but just his clothing color was changed. He had weird blue tears coming down from his cheeks, kinda simulaur to Killers.
He looked around and then looked at me.
"So, YoUrE tHe NeW pRiSoNeR" he said in a deep glitchi voice. How many times have I said glitch now?!
"Y-yes" I stuttered, fricking hell, looks like I can't interact with living beings normally. He looked at me a little confused and pointed at my ears and tail.
"wHy Do YoU hAvE tHoSe?"
"I-I don't k-know, I just w-woke up with t-them"
"So YoU jUsT mAgIcAlLy WoKe Up WiTh ThEm?"
"Y-yeah" I said, hoping that he would go away and just leave me to die.
"W-why are you h-here?"
"Im HeRe BeCaUsE iM tRyInG tO gEt A gOoD lOok At Ya, So I cAn MaKe A pUpPeT vErSiOn Of YoU."
'Tottaly not creepy nor weird' I thought sarcastically. I can never say them outloud, because noone will listen to me or they will take it personaly and hurt me. Used sorces: experience.
"But, why... aren't I j-just a p-prisoner?" I asked.
"BeCaUsE, iM nOt AlLoWeD tO hUrT YoU rIgHt NoW, bUt WhEn NiGhTmArE gIvEs ThE sIgNaL... tHeN aLl Of ThIs CaStLeS rEsIdEnCeS wIlL tRy To KiLl YoU. Or Do WhAtEvEr ThEy WaNt. AnD a LiTtLe BiRdY tOlD mE tHaT yOu HaVe MaGiCaL pOwErS, sO i WoUlD lIkE tO pUt YoUr SoUl To My CoLlEcTiOn." he anwsered.
'If Nightmare gives the signal huh' but what signal and are they going to do something with me? Is that why they are leaving me alive for now?
"Hey human, do you have any food left-?" you were cut out of your thoughts when a familiar looking skeleton came into the room. It was horror.
"Whats with the cat ears and stuff?" he asked being very confused.
"ShE aPpErAnTlY wOkE uP wItH tHeM" error anwsered for you.
"Y-yeah" you said reassuaring.
"Do you want to get rid of them?" Horror asked kind of in a calm voice.
"Yes, I r-really don't w-want to be with t-them" I said, hoping for just to get rid of these and let the skeletons leave and I will go back to my bed and cry myself to sleep.
"Then hold still... cause im gonna cut 'em off!!" horror said taking out his axe and swinging it to you. Now thanks for your doging skills in PE, you managed to avoid the axe with it getting stuck in the wall behind you. I use this oppurtunity to run out of the room and hide somewhere.
Error didn't really care if you got hurt or not, because he wasn't the one for getting punished for hurting (Y/N). He went to his room and started knitting the puppet.


(A/N): sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter and that it ended with a cliffhanger, but I just got lazy here so it will continue in the next chapter. So see you there.

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