Big knife boys want hugs too

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*Crosses pov:*
"You obviously like (Y/N) dud-"
"Shut up you OREO wannabe!"
I yelled back to Chara, they haven't been shutting up it, since I was informed that Nightmare told her that all of us like like her apperantly.

I don't really believe it, but Nightmare can feel the feelings we are currently feeling.
"Look who's talking" Chara sassily talked back.

Sometimes I wish I was not stuck with this brat. But we only have two things in common, to get back our AU. Nightmare said that he will help us with it, but he hasn't raised a finger since (Y/N) came. How dare he have his tentacles wrapped around her finger, disgusting.

Keep this up and she will need a knight in shining armor to keep her away from all of these 'simps'.
I actually have no idea why I used that word. I just remember Killer once saying it and I asked him what it meant. He explained, that it usually was a guy who likes a girl so much that is willing to do anything.
God I feel like the word Killer uses for not knowing what these mean. What was the word again... 'booler?...' oh wait no it was 'boomer'.

Ugh I'm getting off track. (Y/N) just needs a body guard who can keep the others away from her.
"You could be her bodyguard~" I felt Chara whisper.
"What is wrong with you?" I asked him plainly.
"Cmon, I know you thought about it. I mean think about it, you could protect her all the time and follow her along, like a dog. But there is a chance, that if she knew more about you, then she could start liking you back~" they said, I don't like the tone he was using though...

"Hey Cross, I can make you jelous by just saying one sentance" I looked over to my door to see that swapfell had come into my room.
"If it's not that 'I have an AU and you don't' then you can continue" I told him.

He giggled a bit.
"I. K-I-S-S-E-D. (Y/N)" he said and I felt as if I wanted to summon my sword dash it through him not turn him into dust yet, but torture him while he's pleeding for mercy. But I wont give any. I will slowly cut off his arms and I will watch them turn into dust. While he is bleeding, then I will make my angel watch and she will thank me later, saying on how I am her hero. And then she will come to me and kiss my teeth.

"Toldya" Chara said.

Sadly my daydream wasn't true and swapfell was still standing near my door. Laughing at my reaction.

I stood up to take my leave.
"Hold your horses Cross, only I the great and terrible sans know where she is"

'Did he kidnap (Y/N)... I will make him pay'
I felt a familiar knife appear in my grasp. I know that I can't kill him. But Nightmare didn't say anything about torture.
I think he already realised what I was thinking. He took a few steps back.

"I see how we must negotiate..."

"How..?" asked swapfell.
"How.. was I... the great and terrible Swapfell... BEATEN AT ROCK PAPER CISSORS??!!!?"
Yeah we were about to fight, but then we heard Nightmare yell out, that we are not allowed to damage the castle in any way. So we had to fight some other way.

"I won, now tell me. Where. Is. (Y/N)?"
I asked him, still a bit irratated of what he has commited.
"You are lucky, that I'm a monster of my word... she's in the same cell she was at, the first time she came here..."
Again? What happened this time? I will ask her later.

I went to the dungeon's and saw many cells. I tried to find the one with an actual alive human inside of it.

I eventually did find it. She was in a corner and facing it.

I coudln't controll my actions, I had to do it. I don't even think about doing it. I just went to the cell and hugged her, she tensed up. Looked behind to see who it was and saw me. She relaxed, turned around and hugged me back. I think i felt my clothing(Idon'tknowhowitscalled) getting wet, so assumed that she was crying.

At one hand I felt sad about it, that she has to go through this. Yes she is a stupid humans who would never understand what I'm going through.

But on the other hand all I could think was.
'She trusts me enough to show me her weak side. She trusts me now then right? Good. I'm closer to getting her be mine.'

I wanted to kiss her head, to make her feel better, atleast maybe a little.
So that's what I did.
She pushed me away to see and cornfirm of what I just did.

"Sorry.." I whispered to her. I actually wasn't, I just said it so she won't hate me as much as she problably does swapfell.

And fuck she just looked adorable looking at me confused. Heck she's special, I mean I don't even swear. This just made me want to kiss her more. Some kisses on the cheeks and some on her lips. Oh I would kill somebody to feel them.

"Thank you.." she whispered back. And went back to hugging me.
Di... did she just thank me..? And now is hugging me, out of her free will.
It's getting harder not to kiss her. But I have to controll myself, if I ever want to have something with her.

I'm also just very thankful, of the hug we are sharing. Just sitting on the stone cold floor huddled up to each other. Her head on my chest.

I got to get to smell her better. I don't mean it in a creepy way. But she smelled so nice and I did not want her to leave. I carresed my hand on her hair and holy shit is was so soft. I am not kidding, it was if angels have given me silk of what to hold. Good thing her nickname is angel I guess

I felt soft snores coming from her.
Holy. Fucking. Hell.
'SHE TRUSTS ME ENOUGH TO FALL ASLEEP NEAR ME AND ESPECIALLY ONTOP OF ME' I thought excitedly. This means she is defenetly going to like me back.
"Now pick her up bridal style and take her to her bed and hug her and fall asleep together" I was about to do that, until I realised who was telling me that.

"No, I am not going to let this moment taken away from me, because of a stupid ghost child telling me what to do" I agressevly whispered at him.
"But dude I ship you two so much, I know how much you want to hold her close to you, how much you want to tell her all of your thoughts about her, how much you want her to like you back and the list can go on, also if you did cuddle her at night, then she would problably forgive you. Because haven't you seen how the other sanses are with her and then an hour later she acts as if it didn't happen."
"Fine... I guess I want to do it, but if this goes wrong then I'm going to stop eating chocolate for three months"
"Nuuu, not the chocolate, but it is a risk I'm willing to take"
"You're not even taking a risk" I told him and picked (Y/N) up, bridal style. It was somehow very comfortable. And because of the fact, that she's shorter than me, then she's lighter. I teleport to her room lat her down put a blanket on her. Considering the things I would problably lose if I decided to do this, but I just want to cuddle.

So again, that's what I did. I laid next to her. Spooning her. She was so nice and warm too. I slowly drifted off to sleep too.

(A/N):"Boom, get slapped in the face with some of this OREO fluff. Next is going to be Killer or Dust who get the fluff. Anyway, hope you people still enjoy my crappy fanfiction and have a wonderful rest of the day"

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