The crossy boi

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I ran and ran. Soon I was in the corridor with the other doors and skeletons inside of them.

'Maybe I can hide in one of them' I picked the closest door, because I heard horror axe swing in the wind. I ran inside not botherd to look at the rooms entrance and owner. Just running to the closet and hoping nobody saw me or will find me. Its funny that im still finding reasons to run.
The door was pushed open wide by problably the skeleton with a murderus grinn and an axe.
"Hey, seen any cats running from my friend here?" said skeleton question. The skele horror was talking about was thinking for a second and then said:
"Nope, Chara did you see anybody?" a new voice said. I haven't heard this one yet so I hope everything will be fine. Also who was this Chara person? Were there more people in this room than I thought?
There was silence.
"Nope, they haven't seen nothin'." the new skele said, but I didn't hear anything. Were they problably so quiet that I didn't heard them?
"Okey then, on to the next room" horror said before hearinf the door close. You were relieved and looked out of a small crack to see the said skeleton that saved your ears and tail from being choped up. You coudln't really see they're face, because they were wearing a hoodie on theyr head.
The next thing you know is that they start to walk towards you. They open the doors to the closet and look straight at you. You can see a skeleton with a scar on his right cheek underhis eye and the same eye being the color of red, while the other was white. You coudln't see his mouth because he had scarf infront of it. He overall had weird clothes. Oh yeah he was also wearing a heart shaped necklace that was a gold color.
You could feel your ears going down from the intimidating look he gave you. You were kinda scared, but he did save you.
"Umm... thank you for saving me" you said an- wait... you didn't stutter. FINNALY.
"I didn't save you. I did because I want you to pay me back for this generous act." he said and continued:
"Now, I want you to come to me first when Nightmare gives the signal that we can kill you. If you don't and decide to hide or run away from me, then I will make your death even worse than it needs to be."
You do a nonexisted gulp in fear and nod. For once, can these skeletons be guys who don't threaten you every second. Well of course besides killer, he was pretty chill.
"Now hide here aslong as you need and if you feel safe, then get out of my room!" he said and you nod again and dash out of the room. When you're out then you saw that horror closed the door of your room. So that means he just went in there. As soon as you thought that you saw the doorknob moving. From instinct you run into the next door, open it quickly and run into another closet. Again not caring on seeing who the owner was. Thats why people hate you then.
Luckily you didn't hear anyone open the door and you come out of the closet. You look around and you see a familiar edgy looking skeleton. With an electrick guitar in his hands.
He looked at you confused and then asked:
"Th' fuck you doin' 'ere?" (A/N sorry if i changed his talking style and you dont like it, but its how i see fell talking).
"Also wha's wi'h th' cat shit?"
"Well, I just woke up with them." you said and you were thankful for satan for giving you mercy. You can problably talk again because you have talked a lot more than in a few months (or athour-chan is too lazy to write stuttering).
"You jus' woke up wit' 'em?" he questioned raising a bonebrow(?).
"Yes and thats everyone's first sentance." wait, did you just say outloud of one of your sarcastic quetes.
'Oh no, his problably going to ask me if "were getting fiesty or something" and then they would insult me. Of course I will just take the hit, cuz I don't want to hurt anybody' yes I also aknowlege the thing on how easlily your stressed about such a thing, but what can you do about it?
"Heh, really. Okey ler' me guess th' next 'ord someone says 'hen they see you wit' 'hat cat shit. 'Ts problably 'oing to be "whats 'ith the cat stuff." he says sarcastacly. Well it didn't go bad so thats good I guess.
Now you still have to think on how to get rid of these cursed cat ears and tail.
"Hey fell, who has the most magic in this castle?" you asked hoping they could help you.
"'M still 'retty convinced on 'hat 'ightmare has 'th most power" he anwsered. You are a bit scared, but you have to try and talk to him about it and hoping he will get rid of them. But the problem is that you can't really leave this room or horror will cut of the said things you want to get rid of. This is going to be a loong day, you sighed to yourself.

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