A soft fire

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"What do you idiots want!? Get out of my way or I will be forced to kill all of you!" I said. They didn't move and I was still in this circle. This was stupid.
"So, boss me... you were goin' to hurt (Y/N), ey..?" asked the me version of my brother. Also known as fell.
"Maybe, who knows maybe a sweet weakling like her enjoys pain?" I anwsered. I mean why wouldn't she, everyone I have ever had sex with have always called me master and obeyed. When they didn't then I got to use my toys~
All of me's were deep in thought. I tried getting past them to see my pet, but a hand was put infront of me, like a silly little gate trying to stop me.
"Where do you think you're going..?" Horror said, like this pest can scare me. I am only the great and terrible sans or rasberry as the pet likes to call me and I do not get scared to such things.
"You know very well" I said and continued walking. I was stopped again by killer and dust. They had teleported right infront of me.
"We can't let you pass.."
"Yep, you play worse than (Y/N).."
What did killer mean by that? "I play worse than (Y/N)"? I'm sure if I tried this game then I would win at it right away. Also, what right does it give you to say that she isn't good. I'm very aware that I'm better, but it doesn't mean she can't be second best.
"I do not care for your childish games, you all must know by now, that I am busy" I said and started walking backwards while saying that. I had again bumped into someone.
"Look would you idio-" I started saying, but the person I had bumped into was Nightmare. I know that I am the best at fighting, but sadly I learned it the hard way to know that he is stronger.
He must have sensed that the others were keeping me from going to (Y/N) cell.
"I heard a little birdie tell me, that you are on your way to rape (Y/N)... is that true..?"
There are two ways this can go.
1. Say that I lied and have my head bashed into the wall for lieing infront of him.
2. Tell him the truth and also have my head bashed on the wall.
I for some reason feel like I will get less hurt, when I would choose 2. Of course I can deal with the damage. Its just that I do not want to look unpresidentible infront of (Y/N).
"It is quite true Nightmare, but I woudln't say that it is rape-"
"I DO NOT CARE IF ITS RAPE OR NOT, YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HER IF YOU DON'T WANT YOUR HEAD TO BE CUT OFF!!!" He yelled, it was enough for me to go put away my toys. I wasn't scared or anything... I mean I am the great and terrible sans and as I said earlier, I do not get frightened by such scares.
I just had learned it the hard way, that it is best not to start a fight with Nightmare.

*(Y/N)'s pov:*
It has been a few hours since I came back into this blasted cell. Every once and a while one of the skeletons come just to give a quick glance and then they leave. They must be checking if I'm still here or not. Or they just want to look at me and think:
"Oh, I just do so love this ugly human, she can't even say things correctly without stuttering, ah yes all of the qualities that meet my standards"
Ugh it's so dumb. Nightmare had to be lieing, there is nothing good that people would like about me.
But then why does it hurt to think, that he was lieing.
I turned to see who had opened the door and it was 'blackberry'. Also known as swapfell and who scared me half to death a while back.
"Nightmare had told us that we like you, everyone of us that lives in this castle. Except of course the nightmare papyruses. Anyway I the great and terrible... blackberry~, have come to confess it." swapfell said. He also was somehow a bit more quiet. All you could think was 'what'.
"(Y/N) I think I love you and am willing to hear your wonderful and terrible confession towards me!" There  it is, he was loud again.
"I don't feel the same way... sorry" you said to him. Was he really so full of himself to already "know" that I like him back. I don't.
But I might do after I saw his face. It went into a shock and sadness mixture. And then came anger.
"WHAT?! You don't love the great and terrible sans?!!" he yelled at you pushed you into a corner. You might as well get used to being the one who recives it all the time.
"Oh, I will make you love me!! I will make you crawl for me and to be willing to do anything I desire!!" he yelled again and...
h e k i s s e d y o u .
You push him away before he could do anything more. Your first kiss... and it was for him to take.
"Ah feisty are we..?"
"LEAVE ME ALONE, I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOU TO COME AND PUSH ME INTO THE WALL ALL THE TIME, I WISH I WAS ALIVE TO STILL BE WITH MY PARENTS AND TELL THEM I LOVE THEM!!! BUT No... I'm here stuck with you horrible monsters..!" You had yelled back, you have had enough, this is where you put your foot down. Swapfell was shocked, you use this to take advantage and for him to be scared of you this time. You stood up and started getting closer to him.
"I DO NOT YOUR BONY HANDS ON ME NEVER AGAIN, ACTUALLY MAKE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS HANDS!!! AND YEAH YOU REALLY ARE TERRIBLE WITH YOUR MASSIVE EGO AND THINKING I'M JUST GOING TO LOVE YOU BACK, yeah no, no thanks." you felt a lot better, but at the same time felt like you could have said more. This is it for now. He had backed away and left. You hope that he won't bother you again for a while. You hope he never bothers you at all.

*swapfells pov: (again)*
She was amazing. She wasn't scared of me and fought back with her soul with true might. It was amazing to be at her presance there. I have to show her a bit dissipline later, but for now I will let her fire spark.
The best part was that I had kissed her. Her little fragile lips where so so soft and the fire she had breathed out didn't even affect them. I just want to kiss her again and again. I would love it to never stop. Sadly I was pushed away... but I will stick to saying.
I will make her love me. She will love only me and nobody else. And I will make sure of that.

(A/N): umm hi... haven't had a new chapter in a while, but here it is. Hope you like this swapfell x reader chapter and the others are next >:).

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