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Still standing where you did, the nightmare papyruses just kinda ignored you and continued they're work. You just try your best to also do something here, than just standing in one place. So you look what the tall skeletons are doing and do the same.
*time skip brought to you by my lazy ass who hasn't written anything in a while*
You were doing the chores when suddenly swapfell ran in. For some reason you liked to think of him as blackberry. For joking of course.
"Ah human. I see that you actually have done something other than sleep." said swapfell looking you in the eyes and waiting a response. You didn't know what to say and nor did you know why did he want a response for that. So you just stand there akwardly.
"Just uh... you are free for now and you can go to your room" blackberry said and left the room. You of course go to your room then, because you don't really want to do work anyway.
Now walking thruogh the coridor you realize that you don't know just in how to get to your room from here. The walls aren't familiar to you at all and the floor just seems to be a diffrent colour. I guess your stuck here for a while exploring.

Blackberry's pov:

'What happened..? I just started staring at the humans eyes for no reason. And yet they where so beautiful an- WAIT what am I talking about. She is our prisoner and im supposed to hate her... right?' I thought, still confused on why I just randomly stared at the human.
Then I realise that I forgot to send her to her room. I can't let her roam around the castle all by HERSELF! Who knows maybe she is going to try to escape again?!
I go back to the washing room and she has already left.
"You there, where did the human go?!" I asked rather dissapointed in myself.
"Oh umm... she left a little while ago m'lord" he said scared of me. Heh pitiful.
"So your telling me that you didnt't watch over her?!" I asked now getting angry. I can't trust these usless guards with nothing.
"Im do apolagise m'lord, but yes. We did see her going the way you just came from" one of them said.
"THATS THE OLNY WAY HOW TO GET HERE YOU MORON!!" I yelled at their stupitidy and left the room.
Now I have to go search for the damn human so Nightmare wouldn't kill me.
I walk through the coridors, heading towards the humans room. But they aren't there.
"They must have gone to a safe place where to plot they're escape" I mumbled to myself.
"Who?" said a deep voice. Already knowing the owner of the voice, then I carfully turn to Nightmare.

"Oh um... I apolagise king Nightmare for I am afraid I have lost the human"
"YOU WHAT!!" and he stabbed me with his tentacle. Is what would happen if I say I lost the human. So I have to think of something and I can't lie, for I know Nightmare can sense if I'm lieing or not.
"You are taking a rather long time to anwser me" he randomly said.
"Oh I'm uhh... playing hide and seek with the human" that was a half lie, because I'm the seeker and she is hiding from me.
"Since when do you like playing games?" he asked.
"Oh umm.." now im screwed. I don't know if Nightmare sensed that I lied or am I going to make a bad decission here.
"Umm.. I have never liked them king Nightmare" I anwsered truthfully this time.
He looked at me straight in the eye and left. When I couldn't see him entirely anymore, then I exhaled hardly for being nervus. Now I will go get the dog.

Horror's pov:

I am in my natural habitat and its called the kitchen. Im having a nice third meal for lunch and I'm inturupted with swapfell kicking the door open and started talking.
"I lost the human"
"Pffft hahaha! You lost the human hah. So why are you telling me this?" I asked him smiling and having a few laughs.
"I want you to sniff her out" he said seriusly.
"You want me to do wha-"
"You have been smelling them to see if they are good enough to be food. I know because I'm, lets say 'bird watching' you. Anyway I need you to smell them out for me, so I can find them and bring them to they're cel- I mean room." he said and grabbed my shirt.
"Alright alright just let me walk" I told him and he let go. I inhaled and tried to find (Y/N) cent. There was a lot of diffrent smells, but I'm trying to find the shampoo and chocolate combination smell(sorry if you don't like it but this is what I came up with). After some time just randomly sniffing around, I got the cent I was looking for. I followed it and swapfell followed me. We walked for I while and suddenly I walked face first into a door. I look up and see that its the library... but not just any library. Nightmares library.
"Whats the holdup?"
"Its Nightmares library..." I said nervusly.
"Okay we are just going to go in for a second, find the human, get her to her room and don't tell Nightmare about this" he said and I nodded. We opened the doors quietly and saw the human looking at the bookshelves.
"Human come here and we will take you to your room" said swapfell suprisingly in the quietest voice I have ever heard him talking.
(Y/N) turned around and carfully walked over to us.
"Oh umm... hi horror, h-hi blackberry- oh sorry I mean swapfell!" she said in the cutest way possible for a human. But now that I realised that she called swapfell in a cute name, then for some reason it made my stomack turn. Even though I don't have one. I looked at swapfell and he was a having a little red tint on his face.
"Why did you call me that?" he asked.
"Im very s-sorry, but its b-because thats the name I g-gave you when someone mentions y-you, and it was olny to b-be a joke so I'm s-sorry" she said stuttering.
"Its okay I guess... you can call me that if you want to-" he said, but I broke the moment between them, because every word swapfell said just started hurting me. Not in a phisical way, but in a other way that hurted more for some reason.
"Cmon, we got to get the human to her room" I said and they followed me. Im also very confused on why didn't swapfell hurt the human or yelled at her. We soon made it to her room and we left her there.


(A/N): hello im not dead and i finnaly wrote a chapter now i hope you guys enjoid it and lets hope it doesn't take this long to do a chapter next time.

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