Chapter 37~ Akshara is going to come?

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"Kritika did you talk to Akshara aunty?"

"I am calling her only now." Kritika replied

"Naira will be really happy if Akshara aunty comes here!" She added

"Hello!" She said as soon as Akshara answered the call.

"Maa who is it?" Keerti asked.

"It's Kritika."

"How are you Kritika? Is everything okay? Is Naira fine?" Akshara asked.

"Yes aunty, she is absolutely fine! We are fine too."

"I was just worried, as soon as I saw your call."

"Don't worry aunty, everything is okay! Actually, it's Naira's birthday tomorrow, so I wanted you to come here, it will be a good surprise for her. It has been 2 years since she came here, and not even one day has passed, where Naira hasn't missed all of you. For her birthday, I wanted you to be here. She will be really happy!" Kritika said.

"It's the same here beta! We miss Naira too, I want to be there with her too. But you know, Naitik won't agree. He was against this marriage, because it was fixed for Gayu. 2 years since they both spoke to each other. It's hard for me too, to see my husband and daughter like this. Naitik and Naksh, no one is ready to understand." Akshara said.

"Aunty, you know how happy Naira will be, if you come here right? So please, just for her, come here! I will book the tickets, please come aunty!"

"I will let you know beta! I myself want to meet her, she is my daughter afterall." Akshara said and kept the call.

"Maa, I think we should go there! Me and you, we both will go there. It's high time now, we will go and get our Naira back. This is her house, itni bhi kya naarazgi, hai toh woh iss ghar ki beti hi na. We will get her back, and then I will see how Naksh doesn't accept them. Kartik and Naira are meant to be together, and they will always be, they love each other so much maa!" Keerti said.

"Yes! We will get her back!" Akshara said and went to her room.

On the other hand, Keerti went to her room. Both of them started packing their clothes. Akshara had messaged Kritika that they would be coming. Soon Naitik and Naksh entered

"Where are you going Akshara?"

"To get our Naira back, and not only our Naira,but her husband, Kartik with her!" Akshara said as she kept her clothes.

"You are not going anywhere Akshara!" Naitik said.

"Naitik, aapne apni zidd poori karli! If she is your daughter, then she is mine too. Aap maano ya na maano, yeh uska ghar hai, she is the daughter of this house, and I will get her back!" Akshara said sternly.

"Don't you remember what she did? Not even for once did you think about Gayu?"

"Naitik, Naira is my daughter, I have stayed away from her, for long now, not anymore. It wasn't even a year that she was with us, and now it has been 2 years, since she left this house, since she left her house, and now I am going to get her back, with Kartik!"

"Keerti, you are not going to Naira!" Naksh said.

"Naksh please! You are saying this thinking about Gayu right? Then Naira? She is your sister too? You forgot that? The time when she needed her brother the most, when she thought her brother would support her, would stand for her, you didn't! She expected her brother, to always stand for her, but instead, you went against her, why? You let her just walk off? How Naksh? Not even for once did you think about Naira? She is your sister afterall. A brother and sister's relationship, is a very pure relationship. In that case, if I acted the way you did, then I wouldn't have got ready to go to them, as Kartik is my brother too. Then why? Because I love my brother, and I know, that you love your sister too. She is your sister Naksh, your 007, your little sister. I know she should have told you before, but can't mistakes be forgiven? She expected her brother to be with her, but you weren't there for her Naksh, how did she feel at that time, did you ever think about that. At the end of the day, she just has one brother, to look up on, and he also, went against her. Is that how brothers should be?" Keerti questioned, which made Naksh think about it deeply.

He started remembering all the moments he had with Naira. He missed her so much. He wanted to meet her. But something was stopping him. He walked out of the room.

"I should inform maa about it!" Keerti dialled Suvarna's number.

"Maa, me and Akshara maa, are going to Rishikesh today, for Naira's birthday, and then we will get Naira and Kartik back."

"Oh, I am coming with you, Keerti!" Suvarna said making Keerti happy.

"Okay maa, I will book your ticket too!" She said and kept the call.

"Akshara where are you going?" Devyani, Kaveri and Keerti entered.

"Bhabi maa, we are going to Rishikesh, to get Naira back!"

"What? Please get our Naira back, this house is so empty without her. I am sure, Naitik will accept them, once they come back." Kaveri said.

"We will get her back maa! We have our flight now, we have to leave in an hour."

"Maa, Suvarna maa told that she will be joining us too." Keerti said.

"That's really good, on the way we will pick her up."

"Naitik, mujhe pata hai aap naira se naaraz hai, lekin dekh na, usko dekhte hi, aapki naarazgi door ho jaayegi, hai toh woh aapki beti hi, kab tak naaraz rahenge aap ussey." Akshara thought.

Hey guys! How are you?

How was the chapter? Do you think Naira will come back? Will Naitik and Naksh accept them? How will Naira react when she sees Akshara, Keerti and Suvarna? What will happen next?

Thank you for reading❤️

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