Chapter 7~Naira accepted Akshara?

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"Naira I made your favorite sweet! Have this beta." Akshara said taking the spoon towards her.

"Mumma,I don't want to eat anything! Please leave me alone for sometime at least." Naira said pushing the spoon away

"Naira, she is your mumma, you should not talk like this!" Naitik said softly

"Papa, I don't want to talk to anyone!" Naira screamed and threw the vase down, and it broke

Akshara and Naitik were going out and unknowingly, Akshara kept her leg on the broken glass

"Ahh!" She screamed in pain, it was bleeding really badly

"Mumma!!" Naira screamed and went to her

"Why can't you see and walk mumma? See it's bleeding so much! Come and sit here." Naira said and made her sit on the bed

She took the first aid box and started bandaging

"Naira I am fine! It is just a small cut!" Akshara said softly

"Small cut mumma? It's a deep cut, can't you see it is bleeding so badly!" Naira said applying cream

"Nothing happened Naira! I have so much work, I have to go down!" Akshara said trying to get up from the bed

"Mumma! You are not going anywhere, sit here! I will get some juice for you." Naira said and went out

"See Akshara, Naira still cares for you! She loves you, just give her some time, she will be fine!" Naitik said taking a seat next to her

"I don't know Naitik! She knows that all what happened was a misunderstanding! She is my daughter, and of course I will never send her to jail! I am really sorry for what all happened! A mother will never think anything bad for her child! Now, even when she is back, she doesn't like me, she doesn't want to talk to me! I really love her Naitik!" Akshara said as tears streamed down her eyes

Naira heard all this, she couldn't see her parents breaking down! She couldn't see all this anymore.

She ran and hugged Akshara

"I am sorry mumma! I am really sorry, I know I was so rude with you, even when you had told me everything! I am not a good daughter, I am sorry for everything mumma! Please forgive me!" Naira said as she was hugging Akshara

"It's okay baccha! Don't say sorry Naira! I should tell you sorry, for everything!" Akshara said

"No mumma! I was wrong, I should say sorry!"

They both were still hugging each other

"Now you both will only keep on telling sorry? Now both this mumma and daughter will forget me!" Naitik said

"Of course not Papa!" Naira said and hugged him

By this time the whole family were already standing near the door! They were happy to see everything just like before!

"Finally everything is fine now!" Kaveri said

"Yes, my Naira is back to me! Thank you bhagwaan ji!" Akshara said wiping her tears

"I should talk to Kartik now!" Naira thought

"Mumma, I will come in five minutes!" Naira said and went to call Kartik

"Hello jaan! How are you?" Kartik asked

"Hello! Kartik, now everything is fine! I spoke to mumma today! I could not see her sad anymore!" Naira said

"Wow! I am so happy"

"It is only because of you!"


"Yeah! If you wouldn't have bought me back to udaipur, I would never meet my family again! And I would never speak to them again, and you were the one who made me believe in love and made me believe that a mother can't do anything wrong with her child!"

"Jaan, you are my life! I can do anything for you! I understand how it feels to live away from our family, I know you also missed them! But now I am happy that everything is fine!" Kartik said smiling

"No Kartik! Nothing is fine yet. Our families don't know about our wedding! We need to tell them about it, but not now! After so long I got my family back, if they get to know, they will feel really bad! We will tell them when the right time comes!" Naira said

"Yeah! And wait, there is one more problem jaan, not a problem for me tho, it is for you!" Kartik said laughing


"Today I got a rishta! I forgot that girl's name, and we are going to meet them tomorrow! Lucky me, I will have two wives! One secret one and the other is the actual one!" Kartik said making Naira angry

"What did you say? You are so dead now Kartik!" Naira said angrily

"Calm down my sherni! By the way, you know she is very beautiful, her eyes, her smile! Haaye!" Kartik added making Naira jealous

"Kartik!! I will kill you if you marry someone else, you are my husband, only and only mine!"

"My possesive jaan, I am joking! No one can ever be more beautiful than you! I didn't even see that girl's picture, because I know that she can't be like my Naira!"

"Aww my mendak! But what will you do now?"

"Of course I will go and tell yes!"

"What did you say huh?" Naira shot

"Sorry sorry I was joking! I will go and tell her that I love someone else, and I don't want to have this arranged marriage!"

"Yes! I will not let you marry anyone else, you are my husband! And if you even think of saying yes na, then see what I will do!" Naira said making Kartik laugh

"Haaye yeh ghussa bhi kitna pyaara hai!" Kartik said smiling

"Kartik! I miss you!" Naira said sadly

"I miss you too jaan! We will meet soon, don't worry!"

"I hope so! I love you, bye!"

"I love you too!" Kartik said and kept the call

"Ehem ehem! Naira, who were you talking to?" Gayu and mishti came

" was Kritika!" Naira said

"Accha?" Gayu teased her which made her blush a little.

"Gayu di! Let's go inside, I want to talk to mumma!" Naira said changing the topic

Hey guys! How was the part? Is that proposal of Gayu? What will happen now?

Thank you for reading❤️

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