Chapter 1~Kartik loves Naira?

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Points to be noted:
1. Kartik is here in Rishikesh, because of his dad's work, and not because he was upset with his family, so everything is fine between Kartik and his family.

2. Naira is here, because she is upset with Akshara, because she was blamed.

3.Kritika and Karan are a couple, and Kritika is Naira's best friend where as Karan is Kartik's! (you can imagine anyone as them)

The rest you will come to know as the story goes on, so enjoy!


"Naira, get up! We need to go to the Mandir, Karan and Kartik are already waiting there." Kritika woke Naira

"Naira, it's an important pooja, we need to go, and then, we have to go to orphanage right? So get up fast!"

"Whatever! I am getting up!" Naira said rubbing her eyes

They both reach the Mandir and see Kartik and Karan standing near the entrance

"Hey Karan!" Kritika went and hugged Karan

"Hey Kritika, why are you guys late?"

"Naira was getting ready!" Kritika said

"Beautiful people take time to get ready! But it's worth the wait." Kartik said slowly which made Naira blush a little

During the whole Pooja, Kartik was staring at Naira!

"I don't know what happens when I see her! She is just so beautiful, haaye! Her innocence, cuteness, sherni looks, beauty, and just everything makes me fall for her over and over!" Kartik thought to himself as he was staring, but Karan hit his arm to get him back to reality

"Talking about Naira, she and Kartik just look so good together, but Naira always tries to avoid Kartik! I don't know if it's her past which made her like this, but she doesn't talk to anyone as such! It's only me, who she talks calmly and nicely! She never speaks about her family, I wonder what made her like this! And what her past is!" Kritika thought to herself

They all went to the orphanage and then came home

Naira was sitting in her room, holding Kartik's picture, till then she got a call, and to her surprise it was Kartik himself

"Hey! How are you Naira!?" Kartik asked

"I am fine, you say!" Naira sounded a bit dull

"What happened Naira? Why do you sound like this?" Kartik asked

"It is my dad's birthday today, and I wish I could talk to him, I wish I was with him today, because of my mother, I can't even meet my family!" Naira thought to herself

"Naira are you there? What happened?"

"Kartik, why did you call me? I can't talk to you now! I am busy."

"I have something really important to tell you, can we meet tonight?" Kartik asked

"I am not interested Kartik! Please, I am busy. I will talk later!" Naira said and kept the call

"What's wrong with her? I am sure something happened! Should I ask Kritika? Maybe she knows!" Kartik said and went to Preeta who was sitting with Karan in his room

"Kritika I want to ask you something really important!"

"Haan what happened?" Kritika asked confusingly

"How was Naira's mood today? Why is she not talking properly?" Kartik asked

"What is going on between both of you?" Karan asked teasing Kartik

"Oh god Karan! I am not joking, I am serious!"

"Ohh, so Mr. Serious Goenka ji, will you please tell us what happened?" Karan said laughing

"Omg! Karan this is not the time to joke,and Kartik, you know Naira right, she doesn't speak to anyone normally! I don't know what keeps her like that, but she is just always upset."

"Where is her family? I guess she misses them! Can we help her meet them?" Kartik asked

"She doesn't prefer talking about her family! But maybe if you ask her, she might tell you!" Kritika said

On the other side, Naira was busy writing her diary as tears kept rolling down her cheeks

"Dad where are you? I wish I was with you today, on this special day of yours! Why did mama do this? She sent me away from my family, because of her, I am in this condition, here, all alone! I really love Kartik, but I always try to keep myself away from him! He is the person who keeps me happy, the whole time, but still, I don't tell him my feelings! I always feel, the person who I love the most will end up hurting me, just as what mama did! I am all alone here, no one with me! Only I know how much I miss all of you! You all might have even forgotten that you have a daughter, all because of mama! She didn't do right, I hate you mama, I hate you!" Naira wrote in her diary

In sometime, Kartik again tried to call her

"Can't you understand in one go! I don't want to talk to anyone Kartik. Please leave me alone for sometime! Please, I request you!" Naira said

"Naira, calm down! I just want to tell you something very important, and today is the best day for it! Please can we meet?"

"No, sorry Kartik! I neither want to talk to anyone, not meet anyone! Please leave me alone for sometime." Naira said and cut the call

Author's Note

Hey guys! How are you all?

How was this chapter? Hope you all liked it, I know it was quite a short chapter! Will update soon, stay tuned!

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