Chapter 3~Naira accepted?

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It had been almost a week since Kartik and Naira even spoke! Full day, Kartik used to be quite, never said anything! The same was with Naira.

Naira, truly loved Kartik, but due to her past, she always kept herself away from him. Kartik had given Naira a ring, the day he proposed her, she always kept that ring with her.

"Naira, I know that something is wrong! Please tell me the truth, or else it will be too late! Then, you will lose me maybe forever! And we might never meet after that! Naira, before we regret all this, tell me truly if you love me or not!" Kartik thought as he sat down, holding Naira's picture

Till then he got a video call from Suvarna

On the other hand, Naira was looking at the ring Kartik gave her

"Kartik, I am very sorry! I know, you love me so much, even I do, but I can't help it! I have to keep myself away, whoever I love, they always hurt me! And my life always affects others, today I am not with my family, because of what happened few years back! I will never go back to Udaipur, I hate my mumma! I hate her!" Naira said as tears rolled down her cheeks

"Naira, are you okay? What happened? Do you want water?" Kritika came in hearing Naira scream

"No, I don't want anything or anyone! Please leave me alone for some time Kritika! We will talk later." Naira said and Kritika walked out slowly.


"Kartik beta, when are you planning to come back? We all are missing you, and when will you work finish?" Suvarna asked

"Maa, I will be coming soon, just a little work is left and then I will not come back to Rishikesh! Afterall, there is nothing left here!" Kartik said in a sad tone remembering about the rejection, and Naira

"What happened Kartik? Why are you upset?"

"Some girl might have rejected him, that's why!" Keerti joked from behind

Kartik suddenly got lost in his thoughts! All the things that happened a week back, and how Naira said no, for his proposal, and why she did that! Kartik, for some reason knew that Naira was hiding something and that she actually didn't want to say no!

Now Kartik had decided to go back to Rishikesh and never come back, he had a feeling that Naira will come to him before he leaves but if she didn't come, he would leave and then the two of them would never meet again

"Keerti! My son is so handsome, that no girl can reject him! And I am sure it is some work stress, go and take rest beta! Don't listen to Keerti." Suvarna said hitting Keerti playfully

Kartik kept the call and went out for sometime, as he was walking he saw a lady holding Naira's picture and she was asking people if they had seen her! Kartik was confused to who she is? And why she is searching for Naira

In some time, she came to Kartik

"Hello beta! I am Akshara, actually this is my daughter, have you seen her somewhere? I have seen her here itself, but now I can't find her!" Akshara said showing him Naira's picture

"I shouldn't tell anything about Naira yet! I will have to speak to her first, and then tell her about Naira!" Kartik thought

"Sorry Aunty, but I don't know who she is! I stay here since a very long time, and I haven't seen her, so maybe you are at the wrong place!" Kartik lied

"No beta! I will not go from here till I find my Naira, I know she is here, and I saw her also! Thank you. " Akshara said and went from there

Without thinking twice Kartik went to Naira! He wanted to know about Akshara! As he went near her room, the door was slightly open and he saw Naira holding his picture and the ring he gave her

"What is going on? She said she doesn't love me? And still she is seeing my photo and she still has the ring I gave her, let me ask!" Kartik took a step forward to enter, but stopped as Naira spoke

"Kartik I really love you! I love you more than anyone. But, if I stay with you, all you will get is hurt! Because of my past and my family, I don't want you to get hurt. I was blamed for something I never did! And so, I have to keep myself away from you! I am sorry Kartik." Naira said without noticing Kartik

Hearing all this, Kartik went and hugged Naira! She was shocked to see him there, but later she hugged him back

"Naira, you also love me! Then why are you doing this? Why are you sacrificing it!? I am only yours. I love you so much Naira! You are my reason of happiness! And I can't see you sad! I heard everything that you said."

"I am sorry Kartik! I don't want my past to affect you, because I can never be happy like before, after what I went through! But I want you to be happy!"

"Naira, I promise you that I will always keep you happy! And seeing you happy, I will also be happy! We are in this together, and I will always stay with you! I love you so much Naira, I really do!"

"Even I love you Kartik! But....." Naira said but stopped when Kartik spoke

"You love me right?"


"You trust me?" Kartik asked

"Yes, more than myself! More than anyone." Naira said

"So, everything will be good! We are in this together, and we will always be together! I love you. Will you marry me?" Kartik sat on his knee

"Yes Kartik! Yes I will! I love you too." Naira accepted and they both hugged each other tightly

Suddenly Kartik realised why he had actually come here, but now he didn't want to talk about Akshara to her, so they decided to go to Karan's house first and tell them about all this

"You both? At this time? What happened?" Kritika asked shockingly as she saw Kartik and Naira entering hand in hand

"We have a news!" They both said in unison


"We are engaged!" They said together shocking both Karan and Kritika

"What? When did this happen? And I already said that something is going on between you both!" Karan said smiling

"Chup! How much do you talk Karan? Let them also speak!" Kritika said and Kartik, Naira explained the whole thing to them

Hey guys! How are you all?

How was this part? Will Naira go with Akshara? What do you think will happen now?

Thank you for reading❤️

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