Chapter 26~ wedding preparations

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After having ice cream, all of them came back home.

"Bhai wait! Stop the car please." Naira said as she looked out of the window.

"Now what happened? You want something?" Naksh asked as he parked the car in the side of the road.

"Bhai, see, it's raining! Please wait, I want to go out!" Naira said excitedly.

"Kya? Naira, already we are late, and if mama finds out, she will scold us! The wedding is tomorrow, and I don't want you to fall sick!" Naksh replied.

"Bhai, please! Just 10 minutes!" Gayu said. Both naira and Gayu got down of the car.

Naksh called them but they didn't listen. As he looked at his sisters, he couldn't help, but smile seeing them so happy.

"So Kartik how was it meeting your wife!" Karan teased him.

"I didn't get to meet her properly! It's okay, I will meet her tomorrow, in the wedding!" Kartik replied excitedly.

"If, Gayu let's you to do so!" Karan said slowly, but loud enough for Kartik to hear, to which he glared at him.

"Karan, why won't she? Keerti, please help me na. I want to be with Naira, how long should I wait!" Kartik said looking at Keerti.

"So tell everyone the truth! Or else, wait! We can't help it, Kartik! I honestly feel, it will be better if you tell everyone, before they come to know themselves. If they get to know through someone else, they might get more angry! Before things go out of hands, tell everyone Kartik!" Keerti suggested.

"Let this wedding get over, I will tell everyone! I don't want any problems in your wedding, Keerti!" Kartik replied.

"Yes! Now let's go home, before someone comes to know, that we came out at this time!"  Kritika said.


Naira, Gayu and Naksh reached Singhania Sadan. They slowly tried to sneak into the house. As Naira opened the door, everyone was shocked to see Akshara standing in front of the door.

"Mumma, aap yahan?" Naira asked.

"I should be asking this to you three! Where were you all at this time? And it was raining outside!" Akshara said folding her arms.

"Mumma woh...."

"Naksh, where did you take Naira and Gayu?" Akshara asked.

"No mumma! I didn't take them. It was their plan, to go out to have ice cream! It wasn't my plan!" Naksh said.

"Ice cream? At this time? And see, Naira and Gayu, you both have cold now! Beta, tomorrow is the wedding and here you three were out." Akshara said.

"We are sorry maami!" Gayu said softly

"You should have informed someone right? I was so worried for all three of you! Now go inside, change and sleep! We have so much work tomorrow right?" Akshara said.

"Good night mumma, love you!" Naira said, as she hugged her and walked inside.

"Love you too beta, go and sleep now!" Akshara replied with a smile.

The next day

Naira got up, and saw her phone. There were 10 missed calls from Kartik!

"Oh no! Kartik called me? And my phone was on silent! Is everything okay!?" Naira thought and dialled his number.

"Hello, Kartik? What happened? Are you okay?" Naira asked as soon as he answered the call.

"Naira, it's me, Keerti!" She said

"Bhabi? What happened? Where is Kartik?" Naira asked shockingly.

"Actually, Kartik is not feeling well! Can you come here? He needs you!" Keerti said, making Naira shocked.

Without thinking twice, she got up, and once she got ready, she left to Goenka villa.

"Naira where are you going early morning?" Akshara asked.

"Mumma its an emergency, I will come back soon!" Naira replied in a hurry and went.

"But, we need to go to the venue!" Akshara called out, but she had left.

Soon she reached the house, and as she entered, there was no one in the house. She called out for Kartik but got no answer. She walked to his room.

"Kartik!" Naira called him. Kartik came from behind, and hugged her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Kartik? Are you fine? What happened to you?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing happened to me! I am fit and fine in front of you. I was just missing my jaan!" He said, pulling Naira closer.

"Kartik what is this? You know I was so scared, and here you lied to me!" Naira said coming out his grip.

"Kabhi kabhi jhooth bolna padta hai na! But now no one is here, it's only me, and you!" Kartik said smiling.

"Where is everyone? And Keerti Bhabi?" She asked.

"Everyone went to the venue, to do the preparations. I only said Keerti to call you. Now she went with Kritika to get ready! So there is no one at home." Kartik said pulling her more closer to him.

"Kartik! Here there is so much work, and you...! Today is the wedding, so many preparations are still left, and here you want to romance? Let's go now!" Naira said.

"Sabki fikar hai tumhe, sirf apne husband ko chodkar! You go, I am not coming anywhere!" Kartik said turning the other side.

"Awhh, my mendak is angry? I am sorry!" Naira said holding her ears, making a cute pout face.

"Pehle toh stop calling me mendak!" Kartik replied turning his face away.

"Mendak ko mendak hi bulaungi na! Accha sorry na. Once this marriage gets over, we will tell everyone the truth, and then we can stay together forever. But for now, before someone see us together, we should go!" Naira said.

"I love you!" Naira said kissing his cheek, and went out. Kartik looked at her, and a smile appeared on his face.

Hey guys! How are you all?

How was the chapter? I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. Really soon, the most eagerly waited part is coming up, so keep reading!

And thank you so much to all of you, this book has reached 1k+ votes and 8k reads. I have no words to express, how much love I got for this book. I love you all so much❤️

Thank you for reading💞

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