Chapter 32~Family accepted them?

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It has been more than a week since the families had got to know the truth. Both the Singhanias and Goenka's didn't allow Naira and Kartik to meet after that. Kritika stayed with Naira, and Karan with Kartik.

"Naira, please open the door! Listen to me once, talk to us, please come out. Preeta, beta please open the door!" Akshara called out knocking on the locked door. Kritika looked at Naira and she nodded in a negative response.

"Naira, talk to me once please! At least for Kartik? Please!" Keerti said, and she came and opened.

As soon as she saw Akshara she broke down, and started crying. She hugged her tightly.

"Beta, you are not eating properly, this way you will get sick, and I can't see you like this!" Akshara said making her sit on the bed.

"Please eat this Naira!" Keerti said as she fed her, she slowly opened her mouth and took a bite.

"Naira, why are you being this way? Whatever it is, talk to us, I am there to always stand by and listen to you. From that incident, you don't even come out, or talk to anyone, look at yourself, this way you will get sick." Akshara said wiping her tears.

"Mumma! What is my mistake? Why am I treated like this? Why is papa angry with me? Me loving Kartik is my mistake? I know I shouldn't have hidden it from all of you, but you keeping me away from him, is making it worse for me." Naira said as tears streamed down.

"Beta, papa is just worried about you, he wants you to always be happy, don't take him wrong!" Akshara tried to explain.

"Nahi mumma! Agar aisa hota toh, he would have understood that my happiness lies in my husband. I married my love, that's not a mistake. When I made this decision, I was independent of my decisions mumma. I didn't have you all to stand beside me, you all were away from me, and at that time I had never thought to come back to Udaipur."

"Naira, please try to understand us. We will always want you to keep smiling, and will choose what is right for you!" Akshara said.

"Mumma, you know the day after I got married, Kartik was the one who asked me to return to my house, to all of you. He loves me so much, but he respects my family so much, that he was ready to stay away from me for few days, so that I get back to my family happily. If I am with you, it's only because of Kartik. Then why don't you all accept him? I am not wrong here mumma, and neither is Kartik. He loves me so much, and it's the same for me."

"Naira we understand, I understand what you want to say, but Naitik, it's hard to make him understand!" Akshara said.

"Mumma, how can papa expect me to move on from my husband? How can you all accept me to forget my husband? You are keeping me away from him, as if I will forget him. I will never forget him mumma, he is my life, I love him so much that I can never forget him. You all are just making it worse for us, by keeping us away!" Naira said.

"Naira, I will talk to Naitik again! Just remember one thing, that your mumma is always there to stand with you, no matter what. I have stayed away from you enough, not more. I know how much you love him, I will try to convince Naitik!" Akshara said kissing her forehead, and Naira smiled slightly.

"And bhai....!?" She asked.

"I will talk to Naksh! He loves his sister too much, I know he will understand!" Keerti said smiling.

"I love you both!" Naira hugged both of them and Preeta smiled looking at them.


"Kartik!? Please eat something! If Naira gets to know that you didn't eat anything, then she will kill me for not taking care of you." Karan joked and Kartik glared at her. He smiled for a moment thinking about her sherni acts and about his love.

"Kartik?" Suvarna entered.

"Maa I don't want to talk! If you are still here to tell me to forget Naira, then please leave me alone, I don't want to talk!" Kartik said looking away.

"Nahi Kartik! I came to talk to you, I am not telling you to forget Naira!" Suvarna said.

"Then why don't the other family members also accept us? Just as you care about me, they do too right? Then why? Why don't you they understand that I love my Naira so much, and still they are keeping us away? What mistake did we do? I know we hid it from all of you, but that was the situations that made us do so, but now you all know everything, then why don't you accept us?" Kartik asked

"I will talk to Manish ji once more, you don't worry, everything will be fine! And no one will tell you to forget your wife, I know that you love Naira so much, and remember that it's a yes from my side, Naira is my daughter in law, the best girl for my Kartik!" Suvarna said smiling, and Kartik hugged her.

"Thank you maa! I love you." Kartik replied smiling.

"Now tell this i love you to your wife!" Karan whispered winking, and Kartik looked at him.

Hey guys! How are you all?

How was the chapter? Akshara and Suvarna have accepted Kartik and Naira, do you think, Naitik, Manish and Naksh would? What will happen next, any guesses?

Thank you for reading, and giving this book so much love, I just can't thank you guys enough for all the love you are giving this book!❤️

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