meeting mateo

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Sure enough, the night was horrible, but that wasn't stopping Kit at all, never did, never will.

She got up the next Wednesday morning and picked out one of her favorite outfits, her red blouse, embroidered by her nanny with her initials, her regular white slacks that hugged her legs, and of course her flats.

She straightened down her curled hair, like almost every morning and headed out her bedroom door with her partner by her side.

"If mommy comes looking, I'm in the mail room, most likely. Have a great day guys!" She ran off into the distance, holding her shoes in her hand.

10:20 AM flashed as she looked down at her watch seeing the time.

"Perfect timing." She smiled.

"Now, on your best behavior Clipper" She held his leash tightly, as he looked up to her loyally, before she took a deep breath and walked into the room.

"Well Kit, you look so much better this morning!" One of them said as she smiled.

"Thank you, feels great to get out of bed, sleep and makeup does wonders!" She laughed looking to the boy who looked to be about her age.

"Hi, you must be Mateo?" She said shaking his hand.

"I am, it's very nice of you to invite me today." He smiled brightly looking to Kit and Clipper.

"Oh and personally, I'm so glad you could come!" She smiled toward the boy as the phone rang quickly.

Everybody's attentions went to the women holding the phone, as she nodded and replied with, "Yes ma'am, she'll be right down"

"Kit your mother has requested you in the state room for your morning medicine" She said as Kit sighed.

"It's always something, but I'll be right back, then maybe a tour?" She turned to Mateo as he shook his head yes, she should've known this was coming, Jackie always gave her her medicine, no matter what or where they were.

Kit hurried down to state room, Clipper leading the way as he was in the mists of learning his way around. Her mother stood in the doorway with the cup full of pills and three syringes in her hand with a glass of water.

"What are you doing up in the mail room today?" She asked petting Clipper as Kit downed the pills and moved on to the syringes.

"Well I think I'll sort through some letters, respond, and I was gonna give a tour to one of the ladies son, my age" She smiled as Jackie did too, she loved seeing her girl in action, just like her father.

"Sounds great, if you need me I'll be around! Don't bother your daddy!" She yelled as Kit made her way back upstairs and into the mail room.

"Alrighty Mateo are you ready?" He shook his head as his mother very sternly told him to behave. Jackie always did the same with Kit.

This was the first time in forever that Kit walked without help from anything but Clipper, so it was a change, but she knew she could do it.

"So tell me about yourself." Kit said happily as she headed toward the front lawn.

"Well, I'm 12 years old, I go to Washington Central, and I really like football & playing the guitar" The two got to front door and looked to the front of the White House.

"That's really cool, I've never been able to play play sports, but I play with daddy and my uncles. I'd say I'm pretty good" The two laughed as Mateo looked way up to the sky.

"It's so much bigger in person!" He yelled as Kathleen nodded walking toward the Rose Garden.

"Would you like to meet my mommy?" She asked rounding the Rose Garden, thinking that's were she would be.

"I-I didn't wear my nice, nice clothes today.." He looked down at his button up and some khakis.

"Oh you look great, come on!" She laughed coming up onto the "porch" on the bottom floor.

"Mommy!" Kit yelled as Jackie peeked up.

"Kit!" She responded back, standing up, and dusting off her skirt,

"This is Mateo, I'm giving him a tour of our home." She smiled, trying to sound official as Mateo shook her hand.

"It's- it's amazing to meet you Mrs. Kennedy" He stumbled through his sentence as Jackie smiled brightly, unlike her husband, she absolutely loved kids, of all ages.

"Are you guys having fun?" Jackie asked, looking toward Kit, who looked toward Mateo, as Clipper sat in between the two.

"I am! Your house- it's-it's unbelievable! And Kit is pretty great herself" He looked at his tour guide and smiled brightly.

"Well I best be going, you two don't get into any trouble!" She walked away from the two, getting a little farther away and yelling back to her daughter.

"You've got your walkie?!"

"Yes ma'am!" She laughed as Jackie put a thumbs up.

"I love you!" She yelled back as Mateo got a giggle.

"I love you too!" The three ran off together onto the back lawn and sat down on Kit's swings.

"It's getting about lunch time, are you hungry?" Kit asked as the two swung together.

"Yea kinda." He stated quietly, not knowing the right answer.

"Would you care for one of my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? The agents make the best ones ever!" She added as he nodded while smiling so bright.

Quickly she picked the walkie talkie off her hip and put it to her lips.

"Lyric to base, Lyric to base" She sat for a second waiting for an answer as Mateo watched in amazement.

"Hey Kathleen, what do you need this afternoon?" One of her favorite agents answered as she smiled.

"If it's not too much trouble, I'd like another sandwich added to my lunch and get it in, say about 10 minutes?" She laughed as his mouth dropped.

"My pleasure Kathleen, out at the play set?" He asked quickly before ending the conversation.

"Yes please, thank you Luke" She smiled and put her walkie back on her hip before returning to her new friend.

"That was so cool!" He laughed, as he preceded to pet the service dog, Clipper loving the attention.

After all he was completely, an attention hog.

And soon the meals came out and the two sat next to each other on the swing set laughing and laughing for hours until they couldn't anymore.

Jack had taken off for lunch with Jackie and after the two finished, he met her at the window looking onto the back lawn.

"I think our girl has her first boyfriend Jack" She smiled at Jack kinda laughing as his face went from a smile to a serious face, looking at "his girl" laughing and playing with another boy, that wasn't him.

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