whats happening?

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Jackie stood behind Kit and whispered in her ear slowly, "Talk clear, have confidence, channel your inner daddy" She kissed her daughter's cheek before heading behind the cameras as Kit ran through what she would say one more time. After the past couple weeks of no relief, this wasn't on her to do list exactly, but like always, she fought through.

This was being recorded pre-release, but it still made her nervous, especially with all these circumstances.

Good morning American citizens,

Of course, as all of you know, I am the oldest, and only daughter to The President and First Lady. As we've come into the White House, both of my parents have found there "thing" that they stand for, and I figure, at my age, it's my turn.

I sit right now in the White House mail room, my favorite room throughout the whole house, the atmosphere, the women, and of course you citizens letters are just my cup of tea. When you lose me, I'm most likely sitting in this very chair, looking to the rest of Pennsylvania Avenue, reading letter after letter.

But one thing that I noticed, is that a lot of you citizens have all sorts of questions, and with permission from my daddy and with the patience from all of you, I plan to create a chance for those questions to be answered, releasing tapes simultaneously, that hold me answering some of my favorite questions from your letters! Immediately after you see this, the first one should be airing!

I look forward to sharing not only my life, but my parents with all!

The cameras breaked for a second as Kit took a deep breath, looking down at her notes with the questions captioned & the person's name that sent them. She was nervous about it, but was also pretty excited too. Mateo sat at her feet with Clipper, for support, pulling at her shirt before the cameras began again.

"You've got this KK" He smiled as she nodded unknowingly.

The ladies watched by, giving thumbs up at her as Jackie smiled. And as the red light came back on again, Jack stepped in, aka "Mr. President" and all attention turned to him as eyes went wide, quite frankly, Kit had no idea he even knew anywhere other than the Oval and ignored him.

Our very first question comes all the way from Florida, Mary B. She asks "What would be three words to describe the First Family?"

And actually, I've had some time to think about this one and I would definitely say, determined, down to earth, and considerate.

Alexandra from Virginia is my age, "What kind of music plays in the White House?"

That's actually a great question that doesn't get asked often! There is always music playing over our big speakers, usually our family favorites, lots of classical and just random songs that we all like, or I'm somewhere playing the piano, in which it's very spastic to what I play, right now I love playing daddy's favorite, When Irish Eyes are Smiling by Bing Crosby, and of course mommy & daddy's song, which is To Make You Feel My Love by Billy Joel.

I like this one, "What's some questions you get asked most as the President's daughter?" This one comes from Avery in California.

Of course there are lots of different examples, because they rotate. But I think right now, the sibling questions come up a lot. So along the lines of, "If you could have a sibling what would you name it, would it be a boy or a girl" and just the basic "Do you want a little sibling?". And just as a basic, all around answer, yes. Yes, I would love love a little sibling, but also understand fully why my parents have decided against it. In my ideal world, it would be a girl and as for a name, I think stick with the K's and maybe like Kathrine and call her Katie, that seems cute to me.

Laura M. from Rhode Island, "What are some little known facts about the First Family?"

There's so much stuff that the citizens don't know, but with that being said, I'm just going to tell my favorite facts. Daddy played football at Harvard, and got offered to play big, but turned it down. Mommy was Ms. Georgetown 1949, a year before she had me. And finally me, I fluently know the same three languages mommy does, plus American Sign Language, which I picked up after the accident, which left me completely deaf in my left ear.

And as our last question for the beginning of this great thing comes from probably one of the youngest writers I've ever received a letter from! This one comes from Sarah in New York, who is 4! "Why does Kathleen use those things?"

Well I'm going to assume you mean my wheelchair and my cane, and just before I begin, Sarah, if your watching this thank you so much for your attention and for your question, which is a great one by the way, little ones like you are definitely the future of our country! And when talking about my two helpers, they are situational, not permanent, at least not yet. The main situation results me in my chair, so as almost all America knows, I have Peripheral Neuropathy, which means my muscles, intestines, bones, send signals to my brain to tell it that i'm hurting, when in reality, there is no explanation to why. The pain is unlike anything I've experienced in my life, it will take you down. There is no cure, just temporary solutions to the pain it causes. Keeping that in mind, I have goals, oh so many goals, and I hold myself up to getting there, I tell my family that, "Sometimes you chose when you hurt" and if I get in my wheelchair and I head out with daddy or work with mommy, I'm getting my mind off it while being safe and getting closer to my goals. Now secondly, with my cane, it's kinda used as an aftershock precaution. Sometimes, I won't lie, the pain knocks me down, down and if i'm not due to appear, I'm treated in my room upstairs, it's draining and can put me down for weeks. The rest is very much needed to battle this disease, but with that being said, it's a blessing and a curse, being in bed really lowers the muscle tone that I still have, so it's hard to adjust back to walking around after treatment, hence the cane, and just the fact that after shock pain is real, it's nice to have something there to support me in those moments, once again, hence the cane.

And but with all that being said, that's all I have time for today, toon in next week for another Q&A session with the "First Daughter"

And as the light slipped off, so did Kathleen's smile. Her head fell back as she heaved.

Without making a scene, Jackie walked quickly to Kit grabbing her head and pulling it toward her, trying to support her daughter's head for her. She gave a look to Jack as the camera crews headed out. This was happening more and more these days, and was nothing Jackie hadn't dealt with, but each time it seemed like it hurt Kit more and more.

"Kathleen, Kathleen it's mommy, tell me what's happening" She held her cheeks as her eyes rolled, this was what the two had been working on between incidents.

"Mrs. Kennedy, what's going on with Kit?!" Mateo was pulled away from Kit's feet, leaving Clipper to almost sit in her lap as her hands began to frail all over her body, going from one body part to the next, everything burning.

"She's okay, She's okay" Jackie looked to the boy stroking Kit's face waiting for her response.

"Mrs. Kennedy do, do we need to get help? Call someone?" Ann, Kit's favorite asked, never seeing anything like this before in her life.

"No, no, we know how to get through right baby?" She looked to Kit as she nodded slightly, trying to fight the basic paralysis.

"Now what's happening Kit, tell mommy." She held her face as Kit tried to focus on talking.

"Attack, pain. Attack." She said slowly, it taking all the strength out of her.

And that was Jack's que to get her up, get her flat, and get her help.

Jackie ran after him as he raced up to the corridor.

"Clint, get Hattie. Immediately." She stopped outside Kit's door, hearing the first shrill scream come from the room.

The first of many.

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