2 weeks daddy

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And on a normal day at the White House, Kit would wake up on her own, well not completely on her own, Clipper's licks were a big help too.

Never sleeping past 10:00, ever, if she did, it was always a sign of sickness. But like her mother, Kit loved to sleep, so she was a pain to wake up. Jackie never liked doing it.

If there was something going on, Kit's outfit would hang on the doorknobs of her room, and in this case, it was form fitting white slacks, one of her red blouses (this one had little mistletoes on the upper chest), just one pair out of her many flats she owned, and her khaki colored trench coat. Since it was cold in Washington.

Of course, covering up the worst of her eye with a patch, looking at it as the blue and purple tones still shone through, spreading down her face. She assumed she probably somewhat matched her mother, like always.

And when she was dressed, a white hair ribbon held half of her hair up, just so it was out of her face.

Quickly she grabbed her camera & the new side bag from Rose that used to be hers, and ran out of her room, forgetting her shoes and having to turn back.


"Kathleen!" Her mother's agent made his way towards her, petting Clipper once he approached, who was a clear White House favorite.

"Well good morning to you too Clint." She laughed pulling out her camera and flashing it in the agents face, this was her new hobby, just documenting everything, nobody knew why, but she did it.

"Your mother, she wanted me to let you know she wants you to the front hall at 3:30 to leave this afternoon for Air Force 1 to Greece. You got it?" He looked at her as she set her watch on her wrist.

"Got it! I'll see you later Clint!" She laughed, slipping up the stairs she had just come down.

It was known that when Kathleen felt good, she really felt so good, the kid was a force to be reckon with. Filming herself all the way, Kit continued to talk to the camera, showing Clipper walking by her every once in awhile, as she walked into the mail room, adding commentary on each lady as she introduced them. Of course Mateo popping out of nowhere, like always.

And after no time at all, the three were off on there own adventure.

While rolling in the grass lawn with Mateo as Clipper played around them, another force to be reckon with popped out of nowhere.

"KATHLEEN ROSE KENNEDY!" Jackie yelled moving too quickly than Kit run could get away.

And as she looked, her white pants, filled with grass stains, and Clipper filthy, she really, really wanted to run.

It was bad enough that the girls left eye still looked like she had been abused, now grass stains and a disgusting dog, looking like a boy.

Personally, she was okay with looking like a boy, but oh Jackie she wasn't, not at all.

Jackie pulled the girl by her shirt inside while yelling and yelling an earful all on how she should be more of a lady, how she was irresponsible, why wouldn't she just grow up? among anything else she could come up with.

Nothing Kit hadn't heard before.

And as the agents formed up again, the horrid finger pointed up to the corridor, meaning Kit was bound to her room for another two hours before leaving, and that her mother would be overly controlling for the entirety of the day.

She never dared to huff or pout at her parents, so without another word, she headed upstairs with her, now filthy, dog, into her room, but closed the door a little louder than usual.

You know, to make a point.

Quickly she grabbed her camera and plopped down on her bed with Clipper, not being ashamed of her black, stitched eye or her dirty dog.

Well, we rolled around in the grass and now my pants are covered in grass stains, and Clip is dirty so here we are. I'm really not even sure why I did it, but I did, and of course I've been sent to my room, I deserve it. I need to be more of a lady, but, it just doesn't seem worth my while, when I put on a dress and makeup, I don't feel like a princess anymore like everybody else, I like to play in the dirt and swim and all of that. I don't know, I just don't like being somebody I'm not. I just can't be like mommy, and that disappoints everybody. But I like the person I am, I'm uniquely me, even if this eye is apart of the "unique me", it's kinda growing on me.

So we'll make the best of it, listen to some music, try to find some more pants, and finish packing. I can't wait for Greece, get away from the cold!

Kit clicked the button to stop and walked to one of the many windows in her room, looking out to the colder day as Clipper joined her. Her record player played her favorite as she tried on pant pair after pair, her partner helping her greatly, of course. The only thing stopping her being her watch buzz, meaning she needed to get down to the front entrance to leave with her mother, who was probably still mad at her.

She opened her doors and let the men fill in, taking her bags, before she headed down the stairs, trying to look poised and put together, of course, in a brand new pair of white pants and Clipper was somewhat clean(er)

Jackie seemed to glare at the girl and dog as Kit smiled to her father before hugging him goodbye.

"We'll see you in 2 weeks daddy" She whispered in his ear as he kissed her on the cheek, it was obvious he had no idea about the incident earlier.

Kit said nothing to her mother and slid out the door as Jackie hugged her husband, Kit getting into the farthest seat from the front with Clipper at her feet. She watched the men load all the bags as she smiled and laughed with them, making jokes like always. Her and Clipper definitely were an all around agent favorite.

"Your mother ma'am" Luke motioned to Jackie as Kit's head turned, as did her bottom, to sit like a lady in the backseat.

She was buckling in as the First Lady looked behind her to make sure her daughter was what she expected, and surprisingly, she was.

And the ride, like always, was quiet, but as snow began to fall on the way, Kit's face lit up.

She didn't like the cold, but snow, snow was her best friend.

And despite the anger that still boiled inside Jackie over her daughter, she smiled brightly looking to the back seat to see her baby so happy and excited about the newfound weather.

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