But after Kit's first day of school, everything seemed to start on the downhill spiral of her disease.
By 5, her doctors had advised the Kennedy's to get surgeries in multiple places to see if there daughter's pain would ease at the slightest. They felt they needed to do something, anything.
Some days with Kit were amazing. School, piano, even her often pagents she competed in. But other days were filled with screaming and sobs all day. Her only comfort of being held 24/7 by her mommy.
They knew it was time for her to undergo her first round of surgeries, but as Jackie watched her baby jump up and down running towards her with a huge crown on her head after a big win for her, she didn't want to ever face that. How could her baby go from what she was watching to inconsolable sobs in less than 24 hours?
It didn't ever seem right.
"Mommy!" Kit yelled from her last bath before surgery, meaning she was ready to get out.
Because she couldn't exactly move some ways, Jackie dried her off after baths. One of the only things that Kit ever let Jackie help her do. She was more like Jack when it came to dependency, wanted to do everything herself.
Tonight the little girl sat in the sink covered in her towel as her mother ran a comb through her long, curly hair. This was how they always did it, it was a thing Jackie absolutely love about having a little girl.
And soon these moments would go away, and she didn't look forward to that day at all. Savoring the littlest moments all day everyday.
"Mommy will you braid my hair please?" Kit looked up to her mother smiling brightly. A face she just couldn't say no to, like, ever.
"You want two?" Jackie smiled into the mirror as her daughter shook her head rapidly.
"So mommy, are you scared for tomorrow?" Kit asked her mother, seeing that, clearly, she was, Jackie replied with the wrong answer.
"Nope, you've got this babe" She didn't look up from Kit's hair.
"I'm not scared mommy." She looked up into the mirror admiring the one braid that was done.
"Nope, cause it'll make me feel better, andddd it's just like a nap, at least that's what daddy said. I like naps." She shrugged her shoulders as Jackie slightly smiled at the last part, but also stunned with the fact her daughter had suddenly matured over night.
"Alrighty, all done. Go get into your PJ's, daddy will be in to tuck you in in a minute!" She lifted her baby out of the sink and watched her run to her room bare bottomed as she headed to her and her husband's bedroom.
She laid down on the bed and looked to Jack.
"Your it." She tagged him as he got up and headed upstairs to tuck his daughter in, one of his favorite traditions between the two, he was glad he had some little ones like her and Jackie did. He walked down the hallway with her medicine in a hand and the slightest bit of water since she was going NPO.
Jackie could hear him tell the little one goodnight as she zipped Kit's duffel bag, placing it in the living room so that the early morning wake up call wouldn't be too bad. Just pick it up and out of the door.
She sat above the little ones bag, looking at the fine details, the light blue color, ruffles, her embroidered name, eventually she gave in and broke down.
But, as always, before long she felt arms around her back and fell into her husbands arms.
"She's gonna be okay Kid, she's a Kennedy, she has to fight." He guided her back towards their room and got her into bed beside him, holding her close and comforting her as she slowly began getting groggy, soon falling asleep on his chest.
After all 4:30 would come quicker than they knew.

Historical Fiction"kit" kennedy, oldest daughter of john and jacqueline kennedy, grew up always needing something that was so hard to come by, help.