love you so much

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And in the end, after legitimate months of recovery, Jackie Kennedy was back in the public eye.

Everybody seemed to fall head over heels with the women all over again, so it didn't surprise her daughter at all that the day she sat down for a Q&A, that all the questions were about the attempt.

Even though she really didn't want to speak on the incident, especially to the public. In her eyes, it needed to be addressed at some point.

She took a nice big breath with Clipper at her feet as always and waited for the red light to flash before beginning.

Good Morning Washington and the rest of the USA. If my calculations are correct, this is the fourth installment of my Sunday Q&A's, which is super exciting! Unlike other days, today we're going to do things a little differently. As my daddy's hopefully 1 of 2 terms is coming to a slow close. And looking through the questions, there are certain ones that seemed to have piled up. So today I'm going to do my best to answer some questions on one of the monumental incidents during daddy's 4 years, the assassination attempt on my mommy.

I'm not going to mention any names because most questions are asked multiple times.

As many know, on November 22nd of this year a horrible man tried to kill my mommy in a parade session for my daddy's re-election. That day I wasn't with them, not even in the same state. Some have asked were I was, wasn't I with them the day before? Who I was with?, along with plenty of other things. To clear that up, the morning of, I was with my mommy and daddy, at around 7:30 AM me and mommy departed for Georgetown from Love Field. At the time, the day was big in the news. Everybody was on there toes about the new treatment I was receiving. I fell asleep in mommy's lap on the way. She was tremendously stressed to leave me, it was the first time she hadn't been there with me in the hospital. When we arrived she handed me off to my Lee Lee, who is my mommy's younger sister. I gave her one last kiss and she headed back as we headed into Washington. Did mommy want to stay in Dallas? This one is widely debated, and the truthful answer, is no. Mommy had tried to convince daddy to let her go into my treatment with me, but he had final word and that decision was almost deadly for my mother.

When did I find out? What was the experience like? So unfortunately, the treatment I received that day went bad pretty quickly, so they had to sedate me. I went in at around 9 and didn't come out until about 45 minutes after the incident. They had told my LeeLee, Granpa, & my Grana, so they immediately headed to me, knowing she would be brought back to Washington if, you know.

I didn't wake up until late the next day, almost 12 hours after the fact. Mom was being flown back to Washington when I was told. Who told you? How did you react?

My Granpa, so my Mommy's daddy, ended up telling me. I woke up and immediately knew something was up. Agents stood at the windows and when a doctor would come in, they'd stop them at the door. Nobody was in there that was family, my mommy's family stood at the window. It scared me tremendously, and I really do think I just "knew" before somebody told me.

I tried to be strong, but when the agents moved out of the room, I just sobbed and sobbed. He told me she was in really bad condition, I knew she could pull out, she'd done it before, but it was so overwhelming. I ended up having a panic attack when she came in and I couldn't see her at all, and on top of the my severe pain, I ended up having a seizure, which happens sometimes with me.

Daddy was trying to balance both of us, like always. He's tremendously stronger than he thinks. I ended being discharged the next day, I was then allowed to see her to say what we thought was goodbyes. I try not to remember it, it's pushed to the back of my mind. I choose to keep it that way, so when it comes to that.

It was a horrible day, I, truthfully, cried myself to sleep that night. Hearing the news cover her, telling the public we were brought in to say goodbye, it's like my grieving had already began. I closed myself off for the entirety of her recovery.

How did she make a turn? What did it feel like going from her dieing to stable?

The next morning my favorite agent woke me up at about 5 AM, in other words, way way too early. The first thing that came to mind looking up to him, was, she was gone. Tears came to my eyes immediately as he began to smile, which really threw me off. He got me out of bed and told me we were going out. Never told me what was going on. I was a blubbering mess, thinking about the unknown, but his smile gave me great comfort.

I got into the limo with Clipper as all the men smiled to each other, almost like they were giddy.

Soon we pulled up to the hospital and it seemed like what I thought was the reality. I kept myself together through the press out front and up into the suites. My Granpa and Daddy stood outside her door chatting together, smiling at me. Nothing matched up.

I asked were LeeLee and Grana were because I didn't want to do the unknown by myself and both pointed to her room. My agent opened the door and there she was, wide awake, writing on a white board. I remember dodging so many wires and tubes and just sobbing in her arms as she whispered oh so softly in my ear.

And I'm not sure how she made the turn around, that's for God to know and for me to not, quite frankly, I don't care, all I care about is the fact that my mommy sits alive in front of me everyday.

She came home about a week later from me seeing her again. Recovery for her was hard, after all she is the First Lady, who was put on bed rest for a week before actually making an effort into true recovery. It was long and grueling, but she came out on top with almost no lasting effects.

How is the First Lady? Is she okay?

In our family, we always take it day by day, she definitely follows through. Some days are better than others, but her better days are starting to weigh out the bad days, which is a huge relief for both me and daddy. Mentally, it scared her to the max, she's always been the one to try and keep daddy safe, and now that this has happened, it's really made her re-think, which I think is good, I've always said she needs to think about herself. She's almost back to her old self, super witty, very smart, caring, and most importantly, my mommy.

With all of that being said, we truly thank each and every person who has reach out and have been concerned about mommy, your kind words and prayers have helped us tremendously.

The red light went off and finally, Kit could take a breath. She quickly got up as the men packed up and walked outside with the help of Clipper.

"Where is Lancer?" Kit called into her walkie waiting for an answer.

"Lancer is present in the Oval with Lance." One man replied as Kit followed up with another question.

"Can Lyric be present at this moment?" She walked slowly toward the office, hoping for a positive answer.

"Lancer and Lance would love that." The man replied as a big smile plastered on the girls face, her running down the stairs toward the office and barging in.

Quickly she grabbed her mother and squeezed so tightly, kinda catching Jackie off guard.

"Well what is this all about?" Jackie spoke in a whisper trying to save her voice and energy that went out easily now.

"I just love you so much"

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