the wrong decision

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And with that, days later, the Kennedy's had a crucial decision to make.

Release to the public or to wait.

Not that they would have too much time to wait it out, only a year or so before people rose suspicions on to why the Kennedy's child hadn't walked or stood yet.

Jackie Kennedy held her baby girl close, shaking a rattle close to her while Kit giggled. Overally, so far, she was happy and smiley, loved baths and was clearly drawn to Jackie more than Jack, was a little "shy" with others, but liked to be held either way.

"What are we supposed to do Jackie?!" Jack paced the couple's Georgetown bedroom, racking his hands through his hair, looking stressed.

Personally, Jacqueline Kennedy really didn't care at all what "they" decided, she was just in love with her little girl.

"Well Jack if we tell them now, we get it over with, in the long run, it could be better. But we could be ridiculed, and views on you could be changed, but you're also a charmer, you could get through it." He nodded as Jackie never really looked up to him, she would have preferred this option, but her opinion really never mattered anyways.

"We wait, maybe she improves, maybe gets overall better, but we do risk her getting worse, and having to tell them earlier than intended. Along with the "trust" factor, America needs truth and if we lie to them that looks bad on us in the long run. It could go either way Jack." Once again Jackie stated all the pros and cons not really caring in the slightest, stopping between sentences to giggle at her daughter.

"What do you wanna do Kid?" He looked to his wife as she looked up to him.

"It's your career Jack, you know me better than to not know what I would want. But I also what you to go after what you want." She nodded as he kissed her softly trying not to hit the baby in her arms.

"I'm gonna call up Bob again." Jack stated leaving the room, not to come back for awhile after. Kit already being asleep as he got into bed next to his wife.

"Have you decided Jack?" She read her book keeping a close eye on the 2 week old girl in her bassinet by the bed.

"We're gonna wait. I- I'm not gonna say anything about her health, other than that it's good." In a way, Jackie was disappointed knowing her husband really hadn't chose the decision that was best for their daughter, but for him.

"I'm glad you made a decision." Jackie put her book down on her bedside table, taking a small sip of water before bluntly looking toward her husband.

"Good night Jack." And in that moment her light switched off and Jack knew he had made the wrong decision, but it had already been done.

He proceeded to get changed into his pajamas, but when he came back Jackie had clearly sprawled herself all over his side, purposely.

So with that, he grabbed his other pillow and headed to the guest bedroom, where he slept for the night.

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