please give up

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Kit laid still on the soft carpet of her mother's room with Clipper cuddled beside her as she strapped the large black leg massagers to her bottom half.

She had heard her parents yesterday and really didn't know how to react now that she was in the presence of her mother.

But ever since she actually started having pain in them, Jackie did this, her baby being in pain? Not an option, especially now, with the circumstances.

"Ugh." The teen huffed causing Jackie to look up to her, seeing her daughters soured face wasn't acceptable, never had been, never would be.

"What's your problem?" She snapped back harshly, already being over the day and instead of saying what she intended, Kit drew back. The scary side of her mother was a force to be recon with.

She even scared Clipper a little.

"I'm just not feeling too well today, can I just go back to my room?" She sat up on her bottom as Jackie's hand floated to her daughter's forehead, which wasn't hot, but was not cold either. As a mother, she didn't exactly believe it, but with the time now, it made sense.

And before she knew, Kit was halfway to her room.

But as she left, for some reason, she decided to follow her daughter discretely, even though she knew that there where other things to be done, and quite frankly, she trusted her.

She watched as her wheelchair clicked into the doorway, Clipper leading the way, and waiting a little while before actually approaching the door.

All the while just to hear her Mamas and Papas record spinning, filling her room with the sound of You Baby.

Slowly she opened the door to see her daughter holding herself up with her arms standing against her dresser. Clipper turned around first and barked at the sign of Jackie, always looking out for Kit.

"Sick huh?" Jackie Kennedy stood in the teens doorway obvious that she was furious. Kit's service agent standing a distance away, letting her take care of this one.

"Mommy.." She sat back down in her chair and whiped around to look at her mother.

"What is this about?!" She yells slamming the door and walking toward the record player Kit had just got for her birthday.

When she got no answer from the 13 year old, fumes probably could've shot out of her ears.

"Do you want to die?!" She shouted looking to Kit.

"Why do you even try anymore?!" The mini Jackie yelled back, knowing either way, with Jackie's methods of hers, that she would die within a couple of years, and that was just reality.

"Oh so now you're giving up? After all the treatment, the surgeries, the ENDLESS time I have spent! I thought you decided to fight!"

"THAT'S JUST IT. YOU'VE SPENT, this has always been about YOU and DADDY. Daddy hides me in my room, away from the people, because he knows that his DYING daughter will make him come off as weak, GOD FORBID. He doesn't even know my favorite food. You make your life me, and just me, I'm DYING mommy, you need to live, you need to give it up and just- just let me!" She yelled and Jackie immediately knew what she had done wrong, regretting her words greatly.

"DADDY has finally admitted he's given up! WHY WON'T you?!" Kit ripped open her door and dashed out back down the hallway as Clipper ran after her and into the elevator before Jackie could say another word.

Of course the fact hit her like a ton of bricks realizing that her teenage girl had heard her parents fight the night before.

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