In the final days of Kit Kennedy, time seemed to stand still.
The Kennedy's got their daughter's last wish and headed to Hyannis to be on the beach. Kit's nurse traveled with them, but tried her best to keep as much distance as possible for the family.
Each day it seemed like more Kennedy's piled into the "ballroom" that Rose and Joe had made into there granddaughter's room.
Everybody did something different.
Bobby played the piano for Kit to hear most of the day, her making small jokes to the fact she was better than him here and there.
Jackie laid behind her daughter for most of the days before that Saturday, wrapping her in all the love that a mother could in her pre-teens last days.
Of course her Aunt Rosie sat next to her bed everyday, Kit never getting bored of seeing her favorite aunt by her side.
And of course, Rose cooked big family meals every night and the whole crew would gather in Kit's room for dinner.
Some of the last ones as a whole, entire, family.
But on that early Saturday morning, the only people present as the 13 year old took her last breath were her favorites.
Jackie held her bridal style on the balcony in one of the many chairs from the ballroom.
Jack sat on the ground at the two's feet while Rosemary and Lee stood in the open doorway.
Slowly her nurse began to unplug her oxygen and take away her IV pole. Kit smiled up at the women as she left, her way of thanking her for all she ever did for the teen.
"Mommy?" Kit's voice appeared from nowhere after quite a few days.
"Yeah baby?" She got a blanket from Lee and draped it over her.
"I'm about to die." She said bluntly looking to her mother, who's tears ran freely for the past week.
"I know baby." Jackie stroked her hair as Kit's hand feel on her mother's cheek, wiping her tears as best she could.
"You always said that the brightest stars are the best. I, think your right, but I like the other ones too. They all shine in their own way, just like me. I brought something different to the table mommy, I wasn't what you and daddy wanted, and you can't tell me differently. But that's not a bad thing, and I know that now, at least I don't think so it is. I like to think I made an impact somehow, maybe on others, maybe on you guys, maybe even on some in the family."
"Baby you made our life's what it is now, you built me into the person I am. Kit, you are mommy's entire world, the moon, sky, stars, and clouds." Jackie sobbed as Kit went in and out, Jack now holding one of her hands.
"I- I know it'll be hard, but my life could've been really hard mommy. But at an early age, I decided to make it the best it could be. You have to make that decision and I hope when you look to the sky at night, filled with unique stars, you see the right decision." Jack kissed his daughter's hand as Jackie pulled her close.
"I love you mommy" Jackie lowered her face as Kit's chest stopped rising.
In that moment, that night, the helpless sobs and screams of Jackie Kennedy alerted the family that one of there youngest was gone.
And as the sun rose over the ocean, the mother still sat in the same chair, holding her, now cold daughter, closely still talking to the 13 year old and rocking her slightly like she had done with her as a baby.
But as the coroners arrived at the home, Jack fought with his wife to let her go, apparent yells and sobs coming from the back balcony of the Big House.
She watched at they put her baby in a bag, her still being in her favorite pair of PJ's with her hair braided that Rosie had done just a day before. As they took her away she fell to her knees abruptly, clutching her chest, as it felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest.
Jack not even being able to catch her before she hit the ground.
"Come on Jackie, let's get you inside, you're freezing" The snow began to fall as they walked inside together, Jack not even really knowing how to proceed.
Snow was Kit's favorite, it just made sense that her "last ride" was in the snow.
"Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy" They both looked up to see there deceased daughter's nurse.
"These are for you" She said giving them each an manila envelope before politely walking away.
Both sealed and plastered with

Historical Fiction"kit" kennedy, oldest daughter of john and jacqueline kennedy, grew up always needing something that was so hard to come by, help.