And just like the Kennedy's thought, Clipper changed Kit's whole perspective and completely turned the kid around. Specially one that woke up her mother way too early in the morning, just to lay in her arms.
As Jackie Kennedy's alarm went off at 8:00 AM on the December morning, she sat up and immediately looked to her daughter that laid squished in between her mother and father with her puppy at her feet. Jack was obviously taking the day off, for what? She didn't know, but she was happy for it.
Jackie couldn't help but pet the littlest member of the family as she picked up her girl and walked to the bathroom, Clipper followed once he woke up a little. Where of course she tried to get ready with Kit still sleeping in her lap, like she did almost every morning.
Even though she was almost 7 at this point, the girl still loved to curl up in her mother's lap covered in her blanket. And of course, she was still abnormally light, so everything worked out in her favor.
"Jackie?" She heard her husband call from inside their room.
"I'm in the bathroom Jack!" She yelled back, meaning she was getting ready.
He slowly got to the doorway and stood smiling at the sight of his wife, daughter, and of course, the dog.
"I just needed a day, take some time off, rest a little, you know my back has been giving me hell" Jackie smiled and looked up to him from the mirror.
"Well I'm glad Bunny, you actually listened to me for once" She laughed as Kit stirred and looked up from her mother's shoulder.
"What about breakfast Kitty?" Jack picked up his daughter as she nodded sleepily, putting her arms tightly around her daddy.
Jackie questioned at times whether they had a daddy's girl, or a mommy's girl.
She continued to get ready as Jack fed both of them, the two groups meeting in the middle.
"I'm off to take Kit!" Jackie yelled as her daughter skipped in, of course straightening her uniform dress and holding Clipper's leach tight before heading out into the snow with her mother.
And for the first time in awhile, Jack stayed behind and watched the news on the couch before eventually, Jackie returned and the two spent the day together. It felt like the days right after their engagement, calm, natural, and sweet.
He watched the weather with his wife and it seemed like time drifted away with the snow.
Jackie had feel asleep almost an hour before in his arms, and Jack was feeling generous, so without waking her, he headed to the car and was quickly in the line ready to get his daughter.
Let's just say the staff was stunned when there Senator pulled into the car line.
"Hi Daddy!" Quickly Kathleen got in making sure her dog was laying down before handing him a picture she had drawn.
"Well hello kiddo, now this is beautiful!" He said smiling at the picture of "my family" and looking into the mirror, making sure she was buckled correctly. As always, being fully independent.
And as always Kit chatted all the way home about her day and met her mother inside when she got back home.
"Thanks for letting me sleep Bunny" She kissed his cheek and motioned down to the dough she had been working on on the counter.
"Me and Kit are gonna make your favorites! Christmas cookies!" The little one smiled and quickly came from the pantry with her little apron on, being very ready to begin helping her mommy.
The sight of the little one and the little dog was too cute for words.
The family sat around there island laughing, all of them, covered in flour, waiting for the cookies to get ready.
They had already gathered for dinner and it was clear that Kit was starting to get tired and uncomfortable. Clipper continued to alert at Jackie's feet, trying to get her to do what he wanted her to do.
As she pulled the cookies out of the oven and sat them on the stove the little one began to scratch at her skin, her dog sitting down on her legs to discourage the action. She always did this when her pain began, it seemed like the couples sign before the screams.
But within the minutes of plating the cookies, sitting them on the counter for everybody to see, and just not paying attention to her daughter, she had lost track of her.
"Kit?!" She yelled to no answer.
"Kathleen Rose!" Jack yelled sternly, scaring the girl, and sure enough she came running from upstairs, tripping over the last step of the family's stairs and shattering a vase that sat at the bottom of the stairs.
It seemed all Hell had broke loose according to Clipper.
"Oh God!" Jackie yelled running across the kitchen as Kathleen began to scream.
She had been meaning to put them away, for Kit's wheelchair lift. She- she kept putting it off.
"Jack, she's bleeding too much!" Jackie picked up her daughter bridal style, looking at the shards before holding a towel over her head to stop the bleeding.
"Come on" Jack hurried the two out of the door and into the car, rushing to the ER at Georgetown Memorial.
And at the end of the night, Kathleen Kennedy came out of the ER with 10 internal and 14 external stitches, exhausted, and drugged up on pain medicine.
What a way to begin the Christmas "festivities".

Historical Fiction"kit" kennedy, oldest daughter of john and jacqueline kennedy, grew up always needing something that was so hard to come by, help.