kathleen kennedy

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Well today Jim, we're getting to see our President tour the NASA headquarters with his 11 year old daughter Kathleen.

That's right Kate, there they are now!

Kit held onto Clipper's leash and her father's hand as they walked down the Air Force 1 stairs. She looked at the integrated crowds and departed from her father, doing something she had always been told never to do.

Jack yanked her back, but let go as he looked toward the reporters, this would've turned into abuse within hours, on his part.

She skipped past all the white women and headed toward the darker skinned crowd, she looked at each of them, but never spotting one of her role models.

"Mary Jackson." She shook the women's hand as she smiled, looking for a name tag to how the First Daughter knew her name.

"Oh no, I- I just know, you, your work, it's amazing." She smiled being very poised and classy toward the crowd of women.

She looked to all them and smiled brightly.

"So your telling me the President's child knows us?" One of them yelled as Kit giggled.

"Oh yes, of course! I love NASA, space, anything of that sort, like my daddy." All the women smiled as the other group stared her down.

"They seem a little mad you skipped them." One of them looked to her pointing at the group.

"Yeah, I really don't care too much, you guys are the ones who do the real work. But you didn't hear that from me!" She made the women laugh as they petted Clipper, he was loving all the First Dog attention. Soon her father started coming in behind her, meaning she needed to go with Luke.

"Thank you Ladies! Each and every one of you, your amazing work, WILL get a man in space!" She yelled taking Luke's hand a heading away from the big pavement slab as they clapped and cheered loudly.

"Oh, I love her." Dorothy whispered to Mary quietly as the President approached.

"I bet she's after Kathrine, I could see it in her eyes" They continued to whisper, standing straight as the man approached.

"Well I see that you all have met my girl." He boomed, slightly giggling towards the end of the statement.

"She was absolutely delightful Mr. President." Mary spoke up as he nodded & shook the women's hand.

"That's my girl, I expect nothing less!" He smiled as the women found the moment heartwarming.

And after awhile of talking, the President was heading inside.

He quickly reunited with his girl and held her hand throughout the whole tour, making sure she didn't go anywhere, but to the cameras, it was a sweet "daddy, daughter moment"

Room after room, Kit didn't see her. And as the tour was coming to an end, she was slowly loosing hope.

"And this sir, is where all the trajectories are calculated, where the magic happens." The tour guide stated as the doors opened wide.

And before Kit's 11 year old eyes, stood the Kathrine Johnson.

"Go on Kitty" Jack pushed her away toward the women that worked on the huge chalkboard in the corner.

She walked nervously, feeling her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. Her little heels, highest Jackie would let her wear, clicked as the men left the room, leaving her, Luke, and of course, Kathrine.

Kit stopped closely to the ladder as the women looked down to see, out of all people, The First Daughter.

"Oh, oh my." She hurried down, dropping her glasses as she looked down at the girl.

Quickly she grabbed them and stood straight up as Clipper stood at attention.

"I-uh" She composed herself and looked to Kit.

"Oh these are yours! I-I can't believe it's really you!" Kathrine looked to her nervously, not understanding, as Kit handed her glasses back to her.

"May I?" Kit asked gesturing to the math on the chalkboard.

"Um, yes, yes of course" She nodded as Kit smiled happily.

Not only was she good at math, but excellent, Jackie took great pride in grading her papers, that were grades above where average children her age were.

"No Clipper, sit, and stay, I'll be back down in a second." He pawed up to her as she headed to the top of the ladder, Kathrine snickering a little.

"He might be more protective that mommy!" She joked as the older women began to laugh, only stopping as she remembered "mommy" was The First Lady.

She watched as the 11 year old began to work diligently, getting every point correct.

"Wow, wow, that's- all of it is correct." She stood shocked as the President headed back into the room.

"If it's not intrusive sir, it looks like you have yourself a future NASA employee on your hands" Kathrine said looking to Kit as she headed back down the ladder.

"All thanks to you Mrs. Johnson, my Kitty, ever since she heard about you, she's been working and working for meeting you one day." Kathrine looked to Kit quickly.

"I- you wanted to meet me?" She pointed at herself as Kit shook her head rapidly.

"Probably more than anything in the world." Clipper barked looking to Jack.

"Oh and Clipper too." He added, as the crowd laughed.

"Well then, it's my honor to meet you." Kathrine shook Kathleen's hand, getting down on her level.

"You keep it up, keep working, you'll take my job. But not without me putting up a fight!" She whispered into the girl's ear as a huge smile spread on her face.

"You're extraordinary Kathleen." She looked to the girl, saying this in front on her father as Kit joined back with her father.

"It was a dream Mrs. Johnson, to even be in your presence, much less to work with you." Kit said sincerely toward the women.

"Yes, Mrs. Johnson, thank you for inspiring my girl. Keep up the good work and we'll get in space before they do" He nodded before turning toward the door to leave.

With one small wave to her roll model, Kathleen and John F. Kennedy were out of the huge room.

Later that night, Kathrine headed home with Mary & Dorothy, like every night.

"You'll never, ever, ever guess who stumbled into the observatory today and said I, out of all people, was HER role model?! GUESS" Kathrine said from the back seat, still trying to get over the high of her day.

The two women looked to each other, smirking, and saying together, "Kathleen Kennedy".

i hope that you guys got the meaning of this chapter! i love love hidden figures and just had to include it in this story!
interesting fact, this was the last chapter i wrote of help!

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