it's an honor

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"And today we get the honor to sit down with 11 year old daughter of Presidental Elect John F. Kennedy." The announcer boomed into the camera as Kit locked up her chair carefully.

"It is a tremendous treat to finally meet you Kathleen" The man looked to Kit, her being taken back by her actual name, it had been so long.

"It's great to be here, thank you so much for having me" It was clear on camera who she inhabited most, and that was definitely her daddy.

"So how are you feeling this morning, being able to finally introduce yourself to America after so much time in the spotlight?" He spoke and quickly Kit answered.

"You know it feels really good to be able to let the citizens of American actually know me, as my Daddy tries his hardest to know them" She spoke boldly and confidently.

"Well, as your father's, and quite frankly your mother's child what was it like growing up in the spotlight?"

"I'm not quite done yet that's for sure! But it's definitely very busy. Daddy traveling lots, always coming home on the weekends to spend with us of course. Me and mommy staying back and trying to get from place to place, balancing everything that's on our plate." She kinda laughed looking back to the man.

"I'm sure it's challenging." He nodded looking down at Kathleen's wheelchair, she gulped knowing what was coming.

"We've all watched you grow up in the public eye, has your medical problems made that any harder?"

"Well I'm grateful that I have anything I could need at my fingertips, plus both of my amazing parents and my service dog Clipper. I think growing up and seeing headlines that criticized me based on it or recently when they all looked to my chair, it affects more than people think. But I can't do anything about where I am now, I'm able to do anything you guys do and this chair isn't stopping me from doing anything and everything that I set out for slash love in life."

"So Kathleen, I here you actually have an arrangement of hobbies, tell me a little about those" She smiled and started down the list.

"Growing up not really being able to move most days, my mom came up with lots of things that I could do, which some I've actually picked up. On a day to day basis, I love playing the piano, writing, swimming, competing in pageants, and equestrian." She smiled as the man looked to her, seeming surprised by what she could actually do.

"Well, I hear lots about those first two there, you write a column for the Georgetown Record isn't that correct?" He mentioned what was really Kathleen's biggest accomplishment and of course her smiled continued to get bigger and bigger talking about it.

"I do, since we travel a lot I'm homeschooled, so I get a first look on what my daddy does. I'm very lucky to be able to write my column and send it back to my hometown. I take great great pride in it, that's for sure"

"You mother was a journalist is that correct?"

"She was! Of course before she met daddy"

"Do you think you'll follow in her footsteps?"
She smiled thinking of her mother who was watching from behind her.

"You know, I think it's definitely more likely than me going after daddy's career. I could NEVER compare to her though." Kit smiled thinking of what her mother would say after she got off.

"And I hear you are one of the many ambassadors to Children's National?" Once again Kit's face lit up and turned to him, seeing her mom move around to behind him instead of her.

"I've spent lots of time at Children's, almost half of my life to be exact. Whether it's appointments, physical therapy, or actual procedures, it's my second home, somewhere we're I feel comfortable with my surroundings and love all my nurses and doctors. Being an ambassador beside lots of other warriors is an absolute honor that not only am I tremendously proud of but my parents are too." Jackie smiled and nodded holding thumbs up from behind the newscaster.

"Well Kathleen, it's been an honor to sit down with you today"

"Thank you for having me, it's been great!" She smiled as the cameras turned away and the man shook her hand.

Quickly she unlocked her chair, rolling over to her mother, who kept Clipper, and who was so excited by her daughter's performance.

"Come on, daddy's at home, I'll make your favorite tonight" Jackie helped with Kit's jacket and guided her out of the station and into the van.

The two chatted and laughed all the way home where they knew the family would have an amazing night.

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