everything is okay?

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"So updates on Kitty, because I- I know you can hear me." Jack began holding Jackie's hand.

Surprisingly, she had made more progress then the 12 year old. Jackie could wake up; they just chose to not wake her yet. Jack held onto the fact that she COULD wake up, but her injuries would hurt her too much. This "was for her own good" and that's what kept him going.

"I- I'm kind of glad your not awake to see this Kid, she's just so frail, so- so not Kitty. As of today, she has brain function which is amazing, she's still here Jacks, there's still hope. Her right hip, it's scattered, we knew that, but they wanna put in plates to fix it, hopefully. The car seat, what she was stuck under, it dug into her lower chest and ended up almost touching her left lung, they managed to get it stitched up and done, but today everything, everything just got worse. It- it got infected and we were too late Kid, it's in her bloodstream. So they're filtering her blood, the machine, it's got to be bigger than 3 Kitty's put together. Her ear, it's still there, I decided to keep it, even though it's almost black now, and she's deaf in it. I- I couldn't make the decision to just cut it off Jackie. And of course her heart, it's looking better today, still weak, not getting near enough blood to her entire body, but better. She squeezed my hand when they lowered her sedation the other day, I don't think I've ever craved to see someone's eyes before, I mean, yours are beautiful but, I- I just want to see your eyes Jackie. I need you to wake up, Kathleen needs you, I need you! Oh Jacqueline, please." He promised himself that he wouldn't cry again, but as he lowered his head onto Jackie lap the tears ran freely.

Meanwhile, Lee sat down next to Kit.

Her room had a sense of calm in it, and it had for the last 2 weeks. Piano recordings of the teen played almost 24/7, the same 30 ish songs on repeat, each playlist, a gift to Jackie for Mother's Day, birthdays, and Christmas.

Clipper laid at the end of the bed all day, everyday, and the sun shown through the blinds just enough to illuminate the dark room, so as the sun set, it seemed peacefully still.

Lee reached down to the 12 year old's feet and tickled the bottoms, the only place Kit was ticklish.

For some odd reason Lee had some hope that when she tickled the girl, she would beg for her aunt to stop while laughing until she practically threw up.

But of course nothing happened, other than a weird look from Kathleen's partner. She looked up at her favorite niece, only one for that matter, and remembered the day she came into the world, the vacations on the water, and the day that she found Jackie with the blade in her hand.

"Jacks! Are you in here?" Lee headed around the Georgetown home, looking for her sister.

After Kit's first round of surgeries, Jack made her go home, to get some sleep, but also definitely did not want her to be alone, sending Lee to the close by home to sit with her sister.

The house was quiet, which made Lee kinda upset, the house was always filled with Kit's piano music, or her laughter and talking. In a way it seemed too quiet.

"Jackie? This is getting ridiculous, we aren't 10 you know, I'm not playing hide and go seek!" She yelled again to no answer, but in that moment she could hear water running, like the shower.

Lee really was proud of her sister, tremendously, this was the hardest think she had ever been through and yet, she still managed.

She headed to the couples bedroom and tried to get into the bathroom. The shower was running obviously, but it was clear, that nobody was in there.

"Jackie? Jacks? You in there?" She asked at the door, the feeling that rose in the pit of her stomach, felt oddly familiar.

"Go away Lee, I'm busy!" Jackie yelled as Lee began to pick the lock.

She wanted to believe that everything was fine, but growing up with Jackie, she knew a locked bathroom door was never "fine".

"I'm coming in Jackie!" She opened to door before the women on the floor could do anything about it.

"Get any closer and- and I'll do it." She rose to her feet, a sharp razor blade hovering over an artery vain in her arm.

"Hey, hey Jacks, just put down the blade, everything is okay, you're okay." Lee had been in this situation plenty of times with her older sister, but it actually seemed like today, she really, really wanted to plunge the blade into her arm. You could see all the pain in her eyes, her runny mascara, and the salty tears that ran freely with the shower.

"EVERYTHING IS OKAY?! My daughter- my- my baby is DIEING and everything is okay?!"

"Jackie, come on we can talk about this, you can yell and scream, just don't- don't do this.. Jack, Kathleen, Kit, your BABY, they need you Jacks" Lee inched a little farther up and up by second, trying not to make it clear she was moving at all.

"I can't do this! I WASN'T CUT OUT TO WATCH HER SUFFER. Jack- he keeps telling me to LET HER GO, if he spent ANY time with her, he- he wouldn't say that! I- I can't do it alone, I can't do it anyways! Every time I close my eyes all I hear is "Mommy help me! Please! Make it stop!", her screams. I- I can't and I mean can't lose her!" The blade inched closer with Lee, but as she swatted it away, Jackie just fell into her arms.

She felt so frail, like she would fall apart if you didn't hold her up right. In her sister's arms she still continued to try and reach the blade that sat on the floor, begging for Lee to let her go.

"Mommy needs you to wake up Kit, she really needs you to wake up. Trust Lee Lee on this one." She held her sister's daughter hand squeezing it tightly, never wanting to let go.

She sat for what felt like hours before running was heard from down the hall, leading to Kit's PICU room.

Quickly Lee turned to the door before it even opened, and to her surprise in the door way stood her brother-in-law, winded, still in his suit, and kind of looking to Kit hopefully.

"She's awake. Jackie- Jackie's awake!"

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