just rosie's girl

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The month went on, and towards the very end of May, Jack's birthday to be exact, Kit got to go home.

Him always saying that was, "My greatest birthday yet."

After recovery and physical therapy, the kid was unstoppable, just like Jackie & Rosie thought.

She really had overcome so much, still being super happy, positive, and determined through the whole thing. On days the pain wasn't shooting, she'd push herself to walk to the bathroom by herself. She made little leaps and bounds everyday, she wanted to prove everybody wrong.

And even on the days in her wheelchair she made the best of it and tried to be just as independent as before. Making it all a little better with Clipper by her side 24/7.

On a Saturday afternoon, both Jackie and Jack were out, leaving Rosie and Kit at home by themselves.

Kit worked at her desk reading the newspaper, her dog laying on her bed, this was something she had picked up from her father, the studying of every newspaper that ever came through the front door. At her point of 8 years old, she knew the world around her better than most adults, and was throughly proud of that.

She missed lazy pajama, newspaper, pancake Saturdays. It seemed like the longer she waited the sweeter it was. The sun shown through her window, she had all her favorite things, and was just overall grateful for everything and everybody around her.

"K?" Rosie peeked her head in as Kit adjusted her body in her wheelchair and Clipper perked up, being bored obviously.


"You wanna come downstairs for a minute?" She looked to her as Kit shrugged.

"I don't see why not" Quickly she adjusted and turned around following her aunt down the hallway to the stairs.

Of course getting all locked into her new lift as it floated down the stairs, she used it every once in awhile, still getting used to it after deciding to just stay in her room upstairs.

Clipper was still a little unsure about the moving contraption.

She followed her aunt on the bottom floor until she looked up and was in the foyer side room. Otherwise known as the piano room. It was always her favorite, open, with the sun hitting right on the keys, she used to just shut the door and play until her heart was content. But sitting in the doorway once again, it's like the magic left with her ability to walk.

"I wanna hear that Mozart you can do"

Of course she was very hesitant, but approached slowly.

She gripped to her aunt, hoping she wouldn't have to do what she was doing today in front of all those people.

And upon sitting on the bench, pushed her pain to the back of her head for the moment and pressured herself to move her feet to the pedals, it was hard, yeah, but after all we don't choose to do things that are easy, but that are hard. Kit liked to feel challenged, she definitely got that trait from her father.

And quickly, like she hadn't been away for more than 2 months, she began to play Mozart's piano Sonata No. 11, like it was nothing.

Jackie and Jack stood in the doorway with Rosie and Clipper as she went on and on, all of them having huge smiles on their faces.

And of course, as she finished, the three applauded as she kinda bowed and laughed.

Rosie and Jack left the room as Jackie sat down with her daughter. After seeing her daughter slip right through her grip, she was never letting go again if she could help it.

"Ya know, I-I never thought you'd be able to hear this." Kit looked to her mother as she cried a little.

"Me either kiddo, but here we are, and I don't know about you, but I sure am glad to be sitting here with my girl today." She kissed her on the head and got up.

"Do you need any help?" Jackie asked hugging her from behind.

"Actually yes please, could you just get me to the couch please, the pain is coming back" Jackie sighed but fully helped her daughter stand and walked toward the sectional as she winced the whole way, with every step.

"I'm gonna go get your heat blanket and some of your medicine, you just get comfy here, I'm sure daddy and C can help with that" Jack winked toward his daughter and laid down beside her on the couch, holding her close as the dog gathered at the two's feet.

A couple minutes later, Jackie passed the pills and some water, which Kit threw down immediately, and covered her daughter up, putting the blanket's heat all the way up.

The medicine made her sleepy and groggy, not to mention the other uncontrollable side effects, but she only ever got the after effects within 15 minutes. But she was long asleep before those could even think about setting in.

And that night wasn't different, but after the three adults had eaten dinner, the girl still didn't budge.

By then, they all had come to the decision that she needed to be in her bed, so with Jack's bad back, Rosie picked her up and immediately her arms wrapped tightly around her aunt, peeking her eyes open to make sure her partner was following closely, of course he was.

Jackie and Jack watched Rosie walk the stairs with there daughter, holding wine glasses, planning a movie night for the adults, well needed for sure.

But after about 10 minutes of waiting, the parents went to investigate, considering she was just putting Kit down in her bed.

Slowly the two opened the girl's bedroom door and stood in the doorway.

"We've been replaced" Jack laughed looking in on the two fast asleep and Clipper, in Kit's rather large bed, the little one clinging to her aunt still, in sleep.

Quickly Jackie walked to Kit and kissed her on the forehead, a nightly tradition.

"Goodnight my Rosie's girl" She slightly laughed before leaving with Jack down the stairs and into their room for a night that would definitely be rememberable.

did you catch the little mention??

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