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The day oldest Kennedy daughter, Kit, was born, was in Jackie's words, "Painful, beautiful, and heart-wrenching. One of the best and worst days of my life"

A dreary day in December, the 15th to be exact, was the "magic day" when John & Jacqueline Kennedy became three. Right around 2:45 AM, Kathleen Rose Kennedy came into the world. A perfect 5 pound 1 ounce, tiny little girl with brown eyes and blackish hair was definitely a spitting image of both parents, looks and already personality wise.

In the little ones first night she was passed back and forth between parents as they both oohed and awhed over the little girl that would be conveniently nicknamed, "Kit".

"She's perfect, in every way. And she's- she's ours" Jack looked up to his wife, who was clearly in pain, but focused on the cuteness of her new baby

"She's all ours Jack." Jackie smiled brightly admiring her little family as Jack laid with Kit on his chest.

And surprisingly, that's where the little one slept for the rest of the night. But of course, as the morning rolled around, Kit was taken from the couple for all her routine tests.

The last quiet morning of the Kennedy's lives.

And the two spent it together, Jackie sat in bed doing her makeup, getting ready for press release photos, after all Kit was now a senator's daughter. Jack held up outfit after outfit that they could dress the tiny girl in for her first pictures and finally as the bag emptied, the perfect one sat in the bottom. A simple red corduroy jumper with her small initials on the pocket layered with a regular onesie and a little red barret that would go in her, surprisingly thick, hair.

Slowly a knock came to the door and in came one of Kathleen's many doctors, his face straight, emotionless, looking to the new mother and father.

"Is everything okay doctor? Where is she?" Jack asked anxiously holding one of her blankets close to his body.

"While doing your daughter's strength tests, a formality was detected, and we really think she has a form of what we call neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy to be exact. We think it developed through her genes, but we can't be sure until she is a little older"

John Kennedy dropped the blanket on the floor and stared into space knowing, most likely, his genes missed up their new child.

"What-what does this mean for Kathleen?" Jackie spoke up, tears in her eyes.

"Well what basically happens to the little one, is that her nerves malfunction, sending the wrong signals to her brain, telling the brain that she hurts, even though there hasn't been injury or a reason to why. This can happen all throughout her body, skin, internal organs, legs & arms, even her mouth and face. In a way, Kathleen's body decides what "hurts" the most. But one thing is for sure, throughout her life, she's going to need


well, welcome to help! happy to have you here! it's gonna be a wild ride for sure!
this definitely isn't my BEST work for sure, but i wanted to use the title in the "introduction"
𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚎𝚢 :)

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