Of course, as always, life was busy and hectic as ever.
A lot of campaigning for the second term and just running all the time. Jack was everywhere at once and Jackie never stopped following him. Usually Kit was with them, but with all her never ending problems, it was a little harder for her to keep up.
And with that, the parents were turned to a new treatment option, something that would help her with the pain at the very least.
"Mommy, I'll be okay, I'm always okay. Lee Lee has me." Kit reassured her mother on the runway, getting Clipper's leash in one hand, before giving her a hug goodbye.
"I know it's new Jacks, but she's in good hands. She'll go to mom and dad's after, we'll all be there. Kit is strong you know that" Lee walked back with Jackie towards the jet.
"I've always been there for surgery and treatments and attacks I- she's too strong Lee. She deserves to live, I. We need this to work or something." Jackie turned to her sister before continuing up the steps.
"I love you Jacks!" She tried to lighten the mood as the door closed and she walked back toward the car.
It was too early, and Kit was just ready to get things over with. This was a time she was glad she had Clipper, her walking companion that never left and a good boy who relieved her stress.
Lee talked to calm nerves in the car and waiting room. Just basic things, things that Kit liked to talk about.
She could feel the anxiety radiating off her niece as she got changed into her new jammies that Jack had just brought home to her and laid down with her dog at her feet like always.
And as she was prepped to go down, Lee kissed her forehead softly, something that reminded Kit of Jackie.
"And one from mommy" She kissed an extra time as a slight smile came from Kit.
"I'll see you soon Lee Lee" Kit said looking up to her aunt as nurses surrounded her, Clipper giving her one last slobbery kiss before he watched his owner smile slightly.
They lowered her head and as she rolled away all was seen was her curly black hair.
Reporters swarmed outside, waiting to hear on the girl and her new treatments, it almost seemed too much for Lee. It baffled her that this was her older sister's life.
How did she do it?
Meanwhile, Jackie Kennedy made her way back to her husband in Dallas, trying to make it back to the parade in time.
It was a true rush, but she couldn't not watch her baby off.
"Does anybody have anything from my daughter?!" She yelled from her back bedroom in Air Force 1.
"Yes ma'am, we have received a picture from you sister. Kathleen went back about an hour ago" Clint handed the picture over one of Clipper, her daughter, and sister holding thumbs up to the camera, Kathleen already prepped, but looking hopeful.
"We'll release when the President gives the go" He said as Jackie nodded.
"Oh and we're about 10 minutes out!" He yelled back as she headed back into her room to finish getting ready, looking at her hanging outfit for the day's events.
"Kathleen's favorite." She mumbled to herself looking to the yellow suit and tried to remember the picture, the positivity.
She was fine. Yes, of course, she was totally fine.
"She's definitely having a false reaction to the drug, we've put her under." The doctor sighed, really wanting this to work out as Lee stood there, Clipper seeming just as worried about his owner.
"But she's okay right?" Lee asked actually terrified, seemingly being in her sister's shoes for once.
And quite frankly, she wasn't enjoying it.
"She's in pain, to be honest and blunt. But that's apart of Kit. We've put her under, and of course, with all the complications we've come to, I want to move her to the suites for now, just to watch her." The agents moved behind Lee as Kit's doctor headed the other way, hopefully back to her niece.
"Wait." She stopped the men as they scrambled to alert everywhere, Clipper looking down all of them and barking loudly to get attention.
"Thanks buddy" Lee whispered petting Clipper as he looked up to his partner's aunt.
"Hold off on telling my sister. Please." She sighed and starting walking toward the suites, petting Clipper while walking, and of course making sure that the "men in black" got all of Kathleen's things.
The nurses had prepared the room, of course. So no surprise that the TV flashed the parade in Dallas. Lee didn't pay too much attention to it though. She continued to move around until a sharp sound was heard that got her attention.
Clipper's frantic barks confirmed the familiar sound.
Her head looked up to see the motorcade speeding off into the distance with Clint Hill hovering.
"What happened?" She asked, not exactly showing much attention to it as one of the men turned the TV.
Their walkies went crazy talking about the new incident. Lee continued on with her tasks, not possibly thinking of what had just happened.
"Ms. Bouvier." Luke walked in slowly a little later looking to her.
"Luke." Her heart dropped to her feet as he sat down beside her. Clipper jumped up and laid in Lee's lap, knowing the scene he had seen, the women needed the support.
"Before Kathleen is moved up. We need you to know, The First Lady has been hit." Lee seemed to go into a daze when he made it to that last part.
"Jack-ie?" She looked to him as the room spun, beginning to clutch to Clipper like Kit had.
"Yes ma'am."
"Is- she alive." Lee spoke again not really using the question as a question, but as a very blunt statement.
"As of right now, yes, she is and we- we have hope Ms. Bouvier." He nodded with sorrowful eyes, feeling for the women greatly.
"Is K coming up?" Clipper alerting as his human was brought up. She got herself back together, sucked her tears up, and began again, stronger.
"She should be here in less than 5." He nodded going back towards the doors.
"No. No words to Kit, none, at all." She looked to him sternly as he talked into his walkie, telling the men to act natural as the stretcher made it's way through the side doors.
Kit was rolled through the doors laying flat on her back, completely still and asleep, as all her machines followed.
Lee and Clipper quickly made there way to her side, Lee giving Kit one of her main comfort items, a bear that Janet and John had given her when she was born that had her initials on the foot, it now always conveniently smelled like Jackie.
The smell took her back and brought light tears to her eyes that seemed to sting as they fell.
She lowered the rails and laid her head near her niece's, petting her service dog lightly, letting the tears run freely while clutching to her.
And this was the way the aunt feel asleep that night.
Exhausted, terrified, and yet comforted by her niece's presence, her dog, and the bear that laid in her limp arm.

Historical Fiction"kit" kennedy, oldest daughter of john and jacqueline kennedy, grew up always needing something that was so hard to come by, help.