something of myself

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"Auntie Rosie!" Kit yelled from the runway, limping as she ran to her aunt, relying greatly on her service dog.

"Hi K!" Of course her eyes fell to Jack and Jackie, both of them sharing the same concerning look in their eyes.

"Her legs are going." Jackie broke the silence that night as the adults sat out on the back porch.

"If this set of surgeries goes as planned, then she should regain it, if not." She stopped not wanting to think of that.

"Her legs won't hold her anymore." Jack looked out to the stars, blandly saying his phrase.

"So she'll be-" Rosie spoke up and looked to her brother and sister-in-law, both of them speaking at the same time.

"Completely wheelchair bound." Jack swallowed.

"It was bound to happen, we just- didn't think it would happen so early." Jackie said trying to keep the tears away, this seemed to be a huge challenge on certain days.

"But, but either way, she'll be loved and happy. That's what matters. She is still valid." Rosie spoke up waiting for an answer from either one.

"Okay, I get it, neither one of you want that for your daughter. But look at her. You watched her today, she's tired and weak, the kid, who's 7, went to bed tonight at 7. If "the horrid thing" happens, K will still be K, a piano prodigy, pageant girl, a lover of cookies and cream ice cream, spunky, INDEPENDENT, Kathleen Rose. She will still be your daughter, and by God if you two won't love her for her, then I will." Rosie spoke looking to her politician brother, who stood up at her level, both of them stunned. It really looked like Jack was about to raise his voice and just thinking about childhood Jack yelling at Rosemary made chills go down her spine.

"And if you're thinking about your career right now Jack, I will get my bags and leave. If you taught me NOTHING growing up, it is to love each other equally." Jack held it back, then continued to explode, just like Rosie thought.

"She will be a CRIPPLE. A CRIPPLE. What am I supposed to do with a cripple for a daughter?" He shouted, immediately enraging Rosie greatly.

"JACK?!" Jackie yelled looking to her husband, stunned, dumbfounded by her husband's words towards their daughter.

"So that's how you think of me Jack? All this time, you've been giving me the pity points, you think I'm just gonna prepare your child to be turned away like I was? HUH? I grew up watching you and Joe and Kathleen be the stars of the damn show. YOU just can't believe that I've made something of myself! And you watch JOHN, your baby will be EXTRAORDINARY and you'll feel like a dumb bastard again!" Rosie yelled running upstairs from the porch.

"Auntie Rosie?" A small voice came from the darkness and quickly wrapped her arms around The Rosemary's waist, the puppy that licked her ankles confirmed the identity of her niece.

Quickly she picked her up as more yelling could be heard outside.

"Why are mommy and daddy fighting again? I told them I would be okay." Rosie put the girl back in her bed and pulled up the covers as Clipper once again joined his partner.

"Yeah I know that baby, Daddy just can't get that through his thick skull" The two kinda laughed as Rosie bonked on Kit's forehead, trying to lighten up the real situation at hand.

"He is a little stubborn" She laughed as Rosie once again turned out the light.

"Hey!" Kit yelled, sitting up, as her aunt went to close the door.

"Yea K?" Rosie peeked back in quickly.

"I love you Auntie Rosie." She smiled brightly as Rosie did too, in the dark of night the smiles were not seen by the two that exchanged them, but it was clear they happened.

"I love you more my K. Now get some sleep, big day tomorrow" She blew a kiss to her niece and walked across the hall into the guest room that would be her's for the next couple of weeks.

Rosemary truly believed that Jack was at least one of the siblings that believed in her, even if it was just a little. It settled into her chest that detail and the logistics of what would happen to her "K" if the worst happened the following day.

Tears came to her eyes as she pulled the curtains closed, getting dressed and locking her door before finally getting into bed. A final tear dripping from her face before she drifted into sleep.

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