nothing stopping her

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"Jackie I've gotta go over to Kitty's room, almost 9, rounds are about to start" He sighed getting up and kissing her cheek.

"Pull the blinds up" She said bluntly, looking forward, as Jack did so.

"I'll pull up Kitty's when I go over there, so you can see" At the almost three week mark, Jackie was doing as well as expected and Kit, well, she was still alive.

The two had finally moved to the "President's Rooms" in Georgetown, after getting out of the ICU.

Really, Kit wasn't ready to leave the ICU, but when she got moved, so did Kit. That's what had to happen for Jackie.

Like everyday for the past week, the curtain was raised and Kit was in the exact same place, same position with Clipper attentive to Jack as he walked in. She watched as doctor after doctor came and went, like they did every morning all of them nodding toward her too, as if she was in the room.

But after the last doctor had left, Jack hurried in.

"They wanna move her!" He said, sounding kinda happy and excited.

"Move her, what do you mean?" She asked looking at her daughter through the window as Clipper curled up again at her feet after rounds.

"They're gonna put her up on her side, move her and maybe it'll "scare" her into waking up, we're getting closer Kid!" He exclaimed as Jackie began to watch her daughter being moved.

Every machine, every tube, every line had to be moved around, but at the end of the day, Jackie turned to see her daughter's face.

"That tracks her brain function, this is her tube vent, her feeding tube, and a line they put in her neck is also right on this side." Jack explained through the window of his wife's room.

Jackie couldn't believe what she was seeing, her husband, who had recently told her to "let go", telling her all about the problems of his daughter, for once, he actually sounded like he cared.

"I- I wanna see her." Jackie looked to her husband hopelessly.

"I wanna hold her hand, I wanna braid her hair, I wanna change her pajamas, I wanna paint her toes, I- I wanna be there." She stated, almost in tears.

"Jackie, we-we don't know if you can even sit up by yourself, much less get anywhere with all these machines" He looked at his wife, trying to seem, in a way, happy.

And of course, like the stubborn women she was, Jackie Kennedy boosted herself up and sat on the side of the bed, obviously in pain, but sitting.

"Take me to my baby. Now"

And with that Jack left the room quickly and actually came back in with 3-4 nurses, watching another bring one of the better chairs into Kit's room, lining it with a heating blanket that would hopefully soothe a little while she sat next to her daughter.

"They don't have anything up here to move you, so, we're throwing it back to our wedding" Jack laughed as the nurses worked on moving her machines.

And before long, the First Lady was in the President's arms, bridal style, her head laying on his chest once again, after all the years.

Yes, it hurt Jackie in many ways, but it was worth it as the staff got her chair adjusted to a comfortable position.

Jackie sat close, but not nearly close enough for her liking, but before complaining about it, she began thinking, and realized this was as close as she could get to the girl in a rather large chair. If she wanted to get closer, she had to get up and walk to her, she hadn't done that yet, but it seemed worth it in every way if she could just be right there.

Jack had gone down to the cafeteria, and since this was "alone time" and a Friday, most staff had taken off and the ones that hadn't, just relaxed at the station outside the door. This was her only chance to do what she wanted to.

Of course before getting up, she pulled her lines to see how far they would go, which was plenty of enough, come to find out. She placed her hands on the side rests, Clipper just realizing what she was doing and jumping down to her help as she started to stand.

Her stitches in her back, from a cut, felt like they would pop, but that didn't stop her. And after a couple tries she stood, feeing like her daughter as she held onto Clipper for dear life, getting dizzy easily, but after a couple of blinks, she took the first step, which definitely was the hardest.

Her bare feet against the cold floor was brutal, but it would only take a couple of steps to be beside her daughter's face and the steps seemed like a small price for a, in her mind, huge present. So of course she took the steps with the dog, that were each equally painful and finally maneuvered the chair to were she sat right near Kit's face. Dodging wires and tubes, while handling her own, Jackie's hand fell to Kit's cheek.

"Hi baby." Was all she could say at first as she felt Kit's cold ear, the one that seemed to now be a shade of blue.

At least it wasn't black.

Her hair was matted from laying on her back for so long and it looked like her pajamas hadn't been changed in awhile. She knew he stood outside the door so with a simple yell, Clint Hill stood in front of her, a gapping cut on his forehead.

Both of them watched Clipper get back up on the bed, so it made since at how the First Lady had gotten closer to her daughter.

"Is something wrong ma'am?!" He immediately ran to Jackie's aid.

"Oh no, no Clint everything is fine, I- I'd just like for some of Kit's things to be brought here, make this dreary room a little brighter, more Kit friendly, if you will. Um, one of her blankets for sure, her brush and detangler, a couple of her hair ribbons, some pairs of pajamas, her blankie, and do you remember that bunny Jack got her for her birthday?" She looked up to Clint.

"Yes ma'am"

"That too, I- I just wanna try to make her more comfortable I guess, even if she isn't very responsive at the moment." She smiled at him as he shook his head and walked out quickly, the space being filled by Jack again.

"So you can walk?" He laughed and he sat down behind his wife.

"Not very comfortably, but I guess you could say yes" She laughed a little with him and fell back into his arms, just laying in his chest, it had been so long.

As always, within the hour, all the things she had requested where delivered to her in one of her daughters suitcases. Jackie looked down at the bag and back up at the man.

"We pulled everything from the trunk, just needed a good air dry" He nodded looking at Jackie as she opened the bag. It was neatly packed and organized so well, the team really never disappointed.

As Clint left he turned to the First Lady and said venerably,

"I- I thought you were dead. Kathleen, she just kept screaming for you- and I- I told her you were okay, and I lied, and- and she stopped talking when you got taken away, she told me she knew I was lying, that she knew you were dead. Madam, not to intrude on the situation, but I think you have to show her that you're alive. I truly believe that she's not waking up because she doesn't want to live in a world without you, she sees no point, and quite frankly, I'm not sure the President could manage without you. Her brain is functioning, her heart is almost back to normal, her blood is filtered through, there's nothing stopping her from waking up, but herself."

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