a night at rosie's

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And by the time the two finally got everything in, Kit was down from her shoulder taking uneasy steps around the room, holding on for dear life to her service dog.

"So kiddo, a night at aunt Rosie's, what do you wanna do?" She laughed and sat down on the floor, petting Clipper, cause you know, he was absolutely adorable.

Quickly Kit got up and started to walk aimlessly to the "Sky room" of Rosemary's house.

"Yea kiddo I know you like this room" She sat at the door way with Clipper, who was also confused, as Kit sat down at the piano in the middle of the room that was now filled with the night stars.

Quickly she began to play one of her mother's favorites.

Rocketman by Elton John.

Of course the cords where uncanny and as she hit the chorus, Rosie walked to the piano and began to sing.

"And I think it's gonna be a long long time, till touchdown brings me round again to find, I'm not the man they think I am at home, oh no no no I'm a rocket man, rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone"

She sang as Kit played, she knew that her K knew "how" to play, but definitely don't think she could pull this off.

As she hit that last key, Rosemary scooped her up and hooped and hollered over her achievements that she just watched.

"How did your parents think that they're going to keep a little prodigy in the family a secret!?" Kit laughed and looked down at her aunt.

"I can play Chopin, but right now mommy wants me to learn Mozart" She kinda sniffed and looked to her amazed aunt.

"Sounds fancy kiddo, sure you can definitely do it, you want some ice cream?" She pulled the gallon out of the fridge and plopped it down on the counter.

"What's that?" She asked politely kinda laughing as Rosie's face changed.

"Wait. You don't know what ice cream is?" Rosie stood shocked as she shook her head.

"Ya know the stuff your dad eats on the Honey Fitz?" She questioned again, not believing that her brother hadn't given his child ice cream yet.

"They don't let me have any of that stuff" She shrugged and looked down to the puppy at her feet.

"Well kiddo, you can thank your Aunt Rosie for saving your tastebuds from eternal sorrow" Kit cackled loudly and took the bowl from her aunt.

At her first bite that she took with Rosemary, she knew why her daddy had loved it so much.

"It's good right?" She looked to Kit, taking another bite of hers.

"Your daddy's favorite is peach, but he's weird. Now THIS is the best one, vanilla, classic, and simple" She laughed and ate with her brother's little girl grasping all that was ice cream.

"It's getting late, let's get your medicine" Rosie grabbed Kit's bag and dumped out pill by pill. Too many for a little girl.

"Wait, I wanna get in too!" Rosemary quickly got her medication from her cabinet and held her's in her hand.

"Ready?!" She smiled to Kit as she giggled and nodded.

"And go!" Rosemary took her's slowly as Kit went faster.

"I win!" She yelled and danced in her aunt's kitchen. Somehow, she made everything a game, made everything fun, and quite frankly, Kit loved it.

In that moment, Rosemary felt the same way Jackie had before.

This was unfair.

Such a sweet, amazing, funny, intelligent girl, being strickened with this terrible disease. It was like watching her brother grow up all over again.

Just hours ago, she couldn't wake up and now she was happy and cheerful, cause "sometimes you have to choose when it hurts". She watched as the girl dragged her up the house steps and picked out the perfect pajamas for her aunt.

"These are very pretty!" She said looking at the satin set and giving it to her.

"Wait here!" Kit said as she ran down the stairs and came back a couple minutes later.

"See they match mine!" She spun in her mini set of exactly what Rosemary's were, or should we say, exactly what Jackie's were, as Kit's set was intended to match her mother.

"We get matching PJ's every year! This year is for you and me!" Kit smiled at her aunt, loving every moment of them matching.

"You think Clipper needs some now?" Rosie laughed as the dog barked at his name being mentioned.

Rosemary picked up the girl and headed to her guest room, where Kit would be sleeping, already having most of her medical stuff in there just in case.

Using her knowledge of the crash course she had taken from her brother earlier in the night. Quickly she tucked in Kit and started to walk out before the little one spoke up.

"Auntie Rosie?" She turned around to the 7 year old.

"Can I please sleep with you?" Kit asked politely as the biggest smile plastered onto Rosie's face.

"Of course kiddo" She said as Kit ran back into Rosie's room and got into her bed.

"Would you like to watch one of my favorite Christmas movies before we go to sleep?" Rosemary got in beside her as she shook her head rapidly.

A Christmas story flashed the screen as Kit laid down.

And before Rosemary knew it, the girl was laying on her chest almost asleep and her puppy at the end of the bed curled up fast asleep.

"Goodnight Auntie Rosie, I love you mostest" Kit said groggily as Rosemary tried not to cry.

"Goodnight my K" She rubbed her back and somehow just knew when she was asleep

It was for sure that she had a huge soft spot for her "K".

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