mothers intuition

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As Kit Kennedy approached the end of her first year, everything seemed to kind of line up in the family.

The almost two year old had taken her first steps, and seemed to be handling her disease well. All until the dreaded night in November. Later described by Kit Kennedy as, "The first night of searing pain I had ever experienced."

Like a normal night, the family ate dinner all together and as Kit played in the kitchen at Jackie's feet, Jack ran bath water for his daughter.

Kit played in the water for a little while before being dried off and put into her pajamas. Jackie headed to her room and started to read Kit's favorite books while rocking the little one back and forth.

And of course, before Jackie knew it, her night time bottle was done and she just sat rocking.

For some reason, that night, she really held her baby girl close and definitely sat for much longer than normal just admiring the baby that she called hers. She had mother's intuition that something was up, but ignored the feeling as she got into bed with her husband that night.

"Wouldn't go down tonight?" Jack asked reaching for his lamp light and clicking it off

"Yeah." Jackie lied as she cuddled close to her husband, laying on his chest.

Soon she got caught up in her thoughts, all about Kit of course. But as she looked to the clock that shown

1:37 AM

Her eyes drifted closed, but not for too long.


Kit Kennedy, at the time, almost two years old, woke up to her entire body on fire, every extremity, from her hair follicles all the way down to the tips of her pink painted toe nails.

What seemed like a gallon of tears had already been shed, but when she went to scream, to yell for her mother, absolutely nothing came from her wide mouth. Overtaken by the pain that spread through her mouth and into her throat, the one year old began to choke helplessly on her own spit, losing breath every minute trying to get it out.

Meanwhile downstairs in the Georgetown home, Jackie sat up in bed, after an hour of sleep, not being able to shake her feeling. Smoothly & carefully she slipped out of her husband's grip and walked upstairs, not really to do anything, but just to make sure Kit was okay.

As she topped the stairs continuous coughing and choking sounds could be heard from the one year olds room. Of course Jackie takes off down the hallway and burst into her daughters room to see her lying on her back helpless, not moving, and not making any noise.

"JACK CALL 911!" She yelled frantically scooping up Kit and trying to get what was in there out. At this point the girl was turning a light shade of blue.

"Come on Kathleen! GET IT UP!" She cried as Jack handed her the phone and took his limp daughter from Jackie.

She looked away as Jack preformed the heimlich maneuver on a kid that was probably too young for it. But as she talked to the provider she turned to hear the helpless coughs of her Kit.

She was alive.

A breath of relief waved over the two as Kit tried to get air back into her lungs. But as she calmed down a little bit, hearing sirens in the distance, Jackie looked down to her child that she was holding.

"There's something else." Jack came over to the two looking at his girl.

"She's- she's trying to say something Jack!" Jackie looked down at Kit who's mouth moved, but no words came out.

"Come on Kit, what is it baby?!" He urged as paramedics stormed the house & made there way up to Kit's bedroom

"H-help me-" Her eyes fluttered softly as the stretcher carried her down the stairs and into the cold night. Leaving both parents to wonder exactly what there child was trying to get at.

"I'm headed to the car, I'll be right behind you!" Jack yelled from the house having both of Kit's comfort items in his arms, watching them load his one year old daughter into the back of the vehicle.

"I love you Jackie!" He yelled as she got situated into the rig and sped off into the distance, leaving the neighborhood with the sirens on.

Slowly Jack headed to the car and caught up to the vehicle speeding down the highway, him swerving and curving through traffic behind the rig.

He caught himself thinking a little too hard before whispering to himself, "Well if they didn't know before, they do now"

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