the first daughter

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"Hello?" Kit picked the phone from her mother and held it to her ear, petting Clipper while sitting on the couch continently.

"Hey Kitty!" Jack spoke loudly on the other end, trying to sound excited.

"Hey daddy" She said bluntly now fiddling with the phonecord.

"Happy Birthday baby" He spoke, giving up to the excitement pretty quickly.

"Thanks daddy, I wish you were here."

"I know baby, but I'm gonna be home as-"

"Soon as I can, I know daddy." Kit cut her father off and spoke quickly, he did say that a little too much at times.

"I love you Kitty, you know that right?" His face fell after the last sentence from his daughter.

"Yeah I know, just come home when you can, please." She spoke looking to Jackie who appeared again out of nowhere.

"You know I will, I'll see you soon baby" Jack began to get out of the car and into crowds, which interpreted the conversation. She really didn't have any idea why he was so busy those days, but he definitely was.

"Bye daddy" Kit said slowly and hung up without another word turning to go back up to her room, with Clipper trailing.

Quickly Jackie pulled the handles to the wheelchair and turned her around, despite all her efforts.

"Not so fast, daddy's present still needs to be opened." Jackie went into their room and grabbed the small box, that was clearly jewelry.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open it!" Jackie sat down in a kitchen chair, pulling Kit close, and locking her chair in place, it really did suck that she was having to use it for pain on her birthday. It seemed like even Clipper was a little excited about the unopened present.

The new 10 year old opened the box to reveal the prettiest pearl necklace, one that she had wanted for a little while.

"It's so pretty mommy! Just like yours!" She said happily.

"Keep going, there's something in the bottom of the box" She smiled brightly toward her daughter as she pulled the cotton out of the small box.

In the bottom of the box sat a piece of thick paper that read, in very pretty cursive,

"Pearls fit for a "First Daughter"

"Your kidding." She looked up to her mother, looking down at the seal in the corner, the presidential seal.

"No way." She began to laugh happily, tears coming down her face.

"He wanted to tell you himself, but he's already announced Kit" She smiled cupping her child's face in her hands.

"And you know, I need my favorite girl there to help me campaign.." A familiar voice came from behind the two, a voice it seemed like Kit hadn't heard in so long.

Kit swiveled her wheels around and full out burst to her father, who immediately unbuckled the latch across her lap and picked her up, putting her on his hip.

"And the people are waiting!" Jack pointed to window as Kit turned back to her mother, just now realizing that not only was she fully ready, but she matched daddy, in red, her favorite color.

"What are we waiting for? Go, go, go!" Jackie laughed as Kit headed to her stair lift and out of sight pretty quickly, knowing exactly what outfit she was headed towards.

"Make sure Clipper looks good too!" Jack laughed as Kit squealed.

"Hello Mr. Presidental Elect" Jackie kissed up at Jack, hearing Kit yell from upstairs the whole time.

"This is really happening?!"
"Oh my God, this, IT'S really happening!"

Jackie and Jack laughed as each phrase came. Kit had bugged for the last few years of her father being a senator to run, she had gotten the whole family into it, including her Grampy, so it was unbeatable then. She never excepted for it to actually happen.

"It's perfect, right daddy?" Kit looked to Jack who looked at his daughter's blouse and perfect fitting slacks

"Oh it is Kitty. Very grown up" She smiled brightly, joining her parents again.

"Wait!" She stopped her parents quickly and started to dig in her pockets as Clipper sat continently next to her in his red vest.

"Will you?" She held her necklace up to her father who, of course clasped it as they stood in the foyer.

"Ready?" He looked back to "his girls" and Clipper as they both nodded, Jack slowly opened the door and walked out to a side. Jackie followed closely and went off to the other side, leaving Kit to roll right into the middle with Clipper sitting right in front of her chair a little to Jack's side.

All the reporters shouted questions to each person, most directed at the man, but some direct toward the other two women.

But toward the end of the family's time on there porch to announce together, the reporters went silent and one spoke loudly, looking to Kit.

"Kathleen, what did you get for your birthday?!" He yelled moving to the front and shoving a microphone in her face.

She thought about it for a second, and then looked out to the crowd and spoke confidently.

"Well, This."

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