Chapter Fifteen

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"Congratulations, man!" Hongjoong hugs Seonghwa while Yunho and Yeosang group hug Mingi beside them. Yeosang's drunken cheers are trying to be calmed down by Jongho as Wooyoung hovers closely behind him.

Seonghwa chuckles and his mouth rests into a smirk, "Hey, couldn't have done it without this kid," He slings his arm around Mingi with a big pat on the back.

"Let me take a photo for you, baby," Seulgi says as she pulls out her phone, snapping a picture of Seonghwa and Mingi with their hair still wet from their after-game showers and big smiles on their faces. Seonghwa comes over and peeks at the photo she took of them, planting a kiss on the side of her cheek since they're in public.

"I'll see you at the party, right?" Seonghwa asks and Seulgi giggles and nods, "And I assume you already have a ride?" She nods again with a knowing look and Seonghwa returns her nod. No one ever suspects anything when Seulgi and Joy are together, even when they arrive at parties together. Seonghwa has made it a common habit to come with his teammates, and no one's said anything. It's what a good captain would do anyway, right?

Seulgi blows a kiss as she runs off towards the parking lot, "I'll see you losers soon!" She calls out and laughs loudly as she sits in the passenger side of Joy's yellow Camaro.

Yunho unconsciously bites on his bottom lip as he watches their interaction, his nervousness only going down when he watches Seonghwa's beautiful girlfriend leave them all.

What is he doing? What is he thinking?

Seonghwa looks over at Yunho and Yunho quickly looks away, but he's not lucky enough to be off the hook yet.

"Hey, no congratulations for me, Angel?" Seonghwa smirks as he gets closer to him, his nickname coming out as if he's called him that for years. Yeosang, Wooyoung, and Jongho are all talking to Mingi about the incredible goal he got at the beginning of the second half.

Yunho crosses his arms and tries to look anywhere but Seonghwa, "Congratulations," he mumbles shyly, "You played really well, Seonghwa."

"Aw, that's what I was looking for," Seonghwa ruffles Yunho's brown hair up, "Where's your little lover at, now? I saw your sign," He smiles, resting his hands on his hips as he stands closer than Yunho would like at the moment. This is all he needs, Yunho thinks to himself. He's so close...

"M-My what?" Yunho uncrosses his arms as he takes a step back, his cheeks heating up as soon as he looks up to meet Seonghwa's eyes already staring at him with fondness.


Yunho twirls a small piece of his hair between his fingers as he looks off towards the parking lot, "He ran out after the coach was coming into the stands after him," He holds back a giggle, "He's probably hiding out in the parking lot or already at wherever the party is going to be."

Seonghwa admires the cute way Yunho's acting, taking note of all of his habits and mannerisms, "And what about you, Angel? Are you going to the party?" His voice gets a little lower.

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