Chapter Eight

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Mingi tries to focus on his microbiology assignment, but it was getting deterred by the distracting scene in the front of the classroom.

San was sitting in a rolling chair beside his professor making teasing remarks and blatantly flirting right in front of the class. No one else seemed to pay it any attention, but Mingi sure saw it. San the one being his professor's assistant doesn't help any, of course. Even  San just sitting up there being still would cause distraction for Mingi. He wants to learn more about him.

San brings out the curious side of Mingi.

What does he like to do?

What is his past like?

Does he always smoke so heavily?

Mingi is excited about getting to know San, and he comes up with a plan to ask him to hang out after class -- assuming that he was only Professor Lee's assistant for one class. That's how it normally works, but Mingi has a feeling San would try his very hardest to stay past class hours to 'help' Professor Lee out, or whatever other excuses he knew San would come up with.

San seemed dangerous in both mind and action, and that fact only intrigued Mingi further.

Mingi has always thought of himself as a lost soul, not really moving with purpose through his life, but merely flying through like a feather in the wind. He wasn't someone that disrupted the order of things around him. He would go with the flow and didn't mind doing so, but sometimes he wishes he would try something new.

Mingi has never been sure about much of anything, especially where he's going in the future. He never belonged in a certain group or had set plans before college, but he often wonders what his life would be like if he had.

Now, he's sitting in his microbiology class that he should've taken as a first-year and staring mindlessly at a guy he knows little to nothing about, making up stories of what his life was probably like. He's wondering about how San might've got into smoking as much as he does, or why he curses so often. He imagines that San watched one or both of his parents smoking while growing up, and that's how he picked it up. He imagines that San was a rebel without a cause, cursing like a sailor just because he could and no one would do or say anything about it. He wonders if San wished someone would say something. If San wished his parents said something.

San seems like the perfect mystery that Mingi wants to figure out, that Mingi wishes he could be.

Mingi wishes to have a friend like San, and he's not going to sit idly by like he normally would. He's going to do something about it, to try and put himself out there and attempt to find some meaning to his life.

In all of his twenty-two years of life, soccer has been the only meaningful and constant thing he's had. He knows his parents worry about him a lot, but they always tried to help him the best they could. It's hard to help someone that doesn't know how to help themselves.

Mingi thought it was always a weird concept to know exactly what you wanted to do as a child. How did a kid want to know what they wanted to for the rest of their life?

Mingi always loved soccer, having started playing at an outrageously young age due to his father being a big sponsor for the national team. His father supported his love for soccer and would love even more if Mingi got drafted for the national team, but Mingi never dreamed of being this big soccer star. It's just something that sort of fell into his hands as he got older due to connections and his surprising skill.

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