Chapter Twenty-Five

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t/w ; I know I warned everyone at the beginning of this story, but as I was writing this, it made me really upset, so I want to warn everyone for an explicit abuse scene. It's a short chapter. Please stay safe.

Wooyoung continuously taps the eraser-end of his pencil on the hematology chapter of his textbook he's been trying to focus on for the last hour. He can't seem to concentrate on anything long enough before his mind wanders back to thinking about Jaehan's proposition last Sunday night.

Would he let his clients sleep with him after he's lost his virginity?

He's not sure, but if his payment would become even greater than what Jaehan provided last time... He might consider it. Wooyoung's noticed the envelopes piling up on the kitchen counter when he sneaks back into his room after getting drinks from the fridge and he knows they're bills.

His father isn't paying them anymore from the looks of it.

Speaking of his father... He's not back home yet, it's nearing 1:45 AM and he's usually back by 1:00 AM at the latest.

Since going on Fall Break, he's been anxious, as he always is when he can't busy himself with school or volunteer work. And his father's routine missteps are only causing him more anxiety because the later he comes home, the more alcohol Wooyoung knows he's consumed.

Wooyoung tightens Jongho's burgundy jacket around his body, reveling in the warmth it provides him. Pita is purring in his lap, nuzzling his head against Wooyoung's hands, begging to be pet and loved on. His focus strays even further from his studies as he begins to wonder if he locked his bedroom door when he came back from getting a glass of water.

Wooyoung gets up, Pita jumping off of his lap and meowing at him as he walks over to his door, reaching to turn the knob to check when the door opens abruptly. Wooyoung takes a deep inhale of breath, getting startled from the door pushing back into him, his feet unstable as his drunken father stumbles against him, pinning him to the floor with his heavyweight body.

"D-Dad-" Wooyoung's voice is struggling for air beneath his father's body, his vision blurred and breathing jagged from getting the air knocked out of him. He hears Pita meowing and whining from the bed where he jumped back up, away from the two bodies on the floor.

"Why in the fuck are you still awake?" Wooyoung's father's voice is slurred, but the punch it holds is fear-inducing. He sits up, using the liquor bottle gripped in his fist as an anchor, his legs on either side of his son as he looks down at him. His bodyweight must be too heavy to be supported by the bottle, for it slips and his upper-half slumps back onto Wooyoung.

Wooyoung's breathing heavily, trying to get out from under his father, "Y-You're crushing me," He pants, wriggling himself out finally. Wooyoung clambers on his hands and knees to sit beside his dresser, attempting to calm his breathing down, but his heart just won't stop. In the midst of getting away from him, Wooyoung's father falls against the floor, too.

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