Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Get in!" Jongho calls out to Mingi when Wooyoung opens the passenger side door, scooting over to let him hop up into the truck.

"What happened? Why did you call?" Mingi asks, looking between both Wooyoung and Jongho. Wooyoung is the one that called him off of Jongho's phone while they drove to Mingi's house.

Jongho shakes his head, breathing heavy, "I don't know, Hongjoong called my phone. We were on our way back to the house, so Wooyoung picked up and put it on speaker. He just told us to call the police and to get to Minho's house as fast as we could."

Wooyoung looks up at Mingi, "I told the cops the address, and then after I got off the phone with them, I called you. I knew that you wouldn't want to be sitting idly at home, right?"

Mingi shakes his head, "Thanks for calling me..."

"Did Hongjoong not call you?" Wooyoung asks, to which Mingi shakes his head once again.

"No, but I understand why," Mingi sighs, "I haven't been... The calmest, I guess," He crosses his arms and suddenly is wishing that he had one of those cigarettes that San always smoked. That might both cool and calm him down, but he only smoked when he was with San.

Jongho jerks the truck to a stop, swerving a bit to the left, causing the boys to fall against each other before Jongho puts it in park, "Sorry, sorry," He says, surprised by the number of police cars and ambulances on the property they just arrived to.

"Looks like they got here before us," Wooyoung says, the red and blue flashing lights strobing over all of them through the windshield, illuminating their pale faces in the colors.

Before either Jongho or Wooyoung moves to get out of the truck, Mingi jumps out, running towards the scene that's cut off by yellow caution tape. Just as he's about to dip his body under it, he's held back by one of the officers.

"Sir, this is a crime scene. You're not permitted to pass this tape, please stay back," The officer says in a voice that shows he's keeping a calm head about the situation. The complete opposite of Mingi, who's about to blow a gasket if he's not allowed back there.

"No. You don't understand, I have to get through," Mingi tries to push through again, but is held back once more by strong hands.

While he's being restrained, he looks past the officer to see Seonghwa sitting on the back of an ambulance with what looks like Yunho, wrapped in a blanket curled into Seonghwa's side.

"Let me through! Those are my friends back there!" Mingi yells at the cop, "Seonghwa! Yun-" He calls out, but his words slow to a stop when a medic passes in front of his vision helping to push a gurney towards the other ambulance. Atop the gurney lies a body bag, and the bag looks to be filled.

"Sir, I'm going to have to remove you from the property if you keep up," The officer says, "We have a body that's been recovered from the scene and cannot risk further contamination of the area. Please step back, or I'll get someone to escort you away."

Every muscle in Mingi's body stops working as he slumps to his knees on the ground in sobs, filling with the most intense sense of grief he's felt in his life. The shock, the numbness, the disbelief.

Because he knows there's only one person that could've been in that bag...

Mingi feels as if he's in his worst nightmare, begging for himself to please wake up and let this all be over. Let it all be fake and when he reopens his eyes, San will be right there beside him, asking if he wants a drag off of his, probably second or third, cigarette. To which, Mingi would, of course, cave and agree to taking. He's come to like the taste, especially ones that came from San's sweet lips.

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