Chapter Four

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"I know we commonly don't include siblings, only picking the one of greatest potential, but Choi Jongho was also on my radar."

"Choi Jongho?"

"Choi San's younger brother, a first-year."

"I have a devious plan for the two of them now that you're bringing up recruiting both. I'm in."

"Should I be concerned?"


"I still have one more pick, so be quiet."

"Get on with it."

"Jung Wooyoung. I've already done the research and my, my, my... We have a keeper right here. I'm not sure we've ever had someone with as much potential as this one."

"And why is that?"

꘎ ♡ ━ ꘎ ━ ♡ ꘎ 

Wooyoung gets to the soup kitchen he's volunteering at for the day a bit earlier than he was supposed to, but the supervisors over it were glad to have the extra help setting everything up.

Wooyoung tended to either be very early, or just barely make it on time. It all depended on his situation, whether or not he was at home, and if he was at home, whether or not he chanced going through the front door or had to climb out of his window.

Wooyoung was smiling, full of cheerfulness as he poured the various soups into the large pots where they would be serving to the homeless or less-fortunate that would come today. If he could bring happiness to another just by plastering a simple smile on his face, then that was exactly what he was going to do. His smile might start off as faux, but after seeing the joy he brought others, it would become real.

Today, he was especially thankful to be here -- thankful to get out of the house just that little bit more this weekend before the next school week starts.

He tried to keep a clear mind, but thoughts of his father coming home drunk once again last night was difficult to push down. He remembered the click of the lock on his bedroom door as he shut himself in, but not leaving the door without sliding his dresser in front of it.

He could never be too careful.

It's always better to be safe than sorry, Wooyoung would repeat to himself.

This morning was one of the times he snuck out of his window, not wanting to take the chances of waking his father with the creaking floors and the shutting of doors.

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