Chapter Thirty-One

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Yeosang hasn't been able to focus in any of his classes today, his mind preoccupied by Eunsang, Hongjoong, and his and Hongjoong's plans on finding out the truth about Eunsang. He's slowly coming to terms with his life revolving around only two people, one of which is no longer even here on Earth, but the more he stared into space today and thought about it... He realizes that it's actually been like this for a long time.

At first, sure, he only had Eunsang, but then he didn't -- well, at least not physically. Then Hongjoong came into his life and everything in his mind revolved around him as well. Yeosang has never truly had time to focus on himself, but today marks a week without touching any alcohol. He can't help but to be semi-proud of himself about that fact, but when he looks down at his hands, even now as he's making his way into the forest for the Twilight meeting, they're shaking terribly.

Hongjoong told him that it's going to be rough for a while, but that he'll always be with him through everything. Yeosang catches his lips turning upwards at the thought, letting Hongjoong overtake his thoughts for a moment, letting himself imagine a future of happiness.

Just for a moment, though.

He looks up at the conversations among him with his friends, talking about the 'crazy shit' that happened this Fall break according to San. He notices Jongho and Wooyoung's closeness and sees this uneasiness on Wooyoung's face, seemingly distracted by something he's thinking about.

"Yun, can I talk to you for a minute?" San asks, but Yunho just brushes it off and says that they can talk later. Yeosang found it odd since the two are best friends. Did something happen?

As he takes in the scenery of the forest, he can't help himself from thinking about Eunsang's diary. The second mission. Could it be the same one? Held in the same place? He gazes down at the ground where he's standing and wonders if Eunsang was once in this same exact spot... Maybe even minutes before his death. The thought creeps in and stakes its claim over Yeosang's previously happier ones.

It's going to be fine.

He's going to get through this mission as planned, and then he and Hongjoong are going to talk to everyone. They both agreed that more people's brains working together are better than just the two of them trying to work alone. Yeosang attempts to think of happy thoughts with Hongjoong, but Eunsang's ever longing inhabitance over his brain wreaks havoc once more.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kang? We believe we've found your son Kang Eunsang's body down by the Han River early this morning."

The shaking won't stop.

Yeosang stares at his shaking hands, trying to focus on anything other than the memories flooding his already overflowing mind.


Yeosang looks up to see Yunho standing right in front of him.

"You were spacing out. Are you okay?" Yunho asks, noticing the shaking of Yeosang's hands.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Yeosang assures, seeing that everyone else is also looking at them, "Just, uh... Nervous about the mission," he quickly makes up an excuse that causes Wooyoung, Jongho, and Mingi to nod, but Yunho and San still look unsure. Of course, they'd know something else was up, but it's nothing to bring up just yet.

Yunho knows Yeosang won't talk about it here, but he knows it must be about Eunsang, "Later, okay?" Yunho whispers and gives him a small smile and a shoulder pat to show him that he's there for him.

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