Chapter Thirty-Four

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"So your aunt Mina actually agreed to meet with us?" Yunho asks, leaning back in the passenger seat of Seonghwa's silver Mercedes, Jongho, and Wooyoung occupying the backseat.

Seonghwa looks over briefly at Yunho with a wink, "You know it, Angel. I'm kind of a sweet talker, mm?"

Jongho makes a fake vomit noise and Wooyoung playfully pushes his shoulder, not having spoken too much since they all got into Seonghwa's car.

Jongho picked him up early that morning, Wooyoung not getting too much sleep after seeing what he swears was Jaehan's car passing his house. He wishes he could talk to Jongho about that, but telling him about that would mean explaining why he's afraid of his father.

Just thinking about the man unsettled Wooyoung, now.

"I think so," Yunho giggles shyly, twirling his hair with his fingers as he lays his cheek against the headrest so he can look at Seonghwa as he drives.

"So how long will it be until we get there?" Jongho asks, taking Wooyoung's hand and squeezing it to comfort him. He's been off since going with his father last night, Jongho's noticed.

"It's only about an hour and a half drive, so I thought we'd stop for lunch before getting there," Seonghwa explains, "Make yourselves comfortable because you'll be in this car for a while."

Wooyoung smiles and squeezes Jongho's hand back, trying to relax his body into the seat.

After a few minutes, the two couples fall into their own conversations.

Jongho looks at Wooyoung and finally asks, "Were you okay with your father last night, Doll?"

Wooyoung nods, "He just, uh, wanted to talk about some of the bills. It's nothing too bad... He didn't do anything if that's what you mean. He wasn't drunk," Wooyoung tries to glaze over the situation a bit, not wanting Jongho to worry, but he's not so easy to fool.

"Bills? Dollface, you know you don't have to shy away from talking about that kind of stuff. Plus, I do work on my family's farm, so if you ever need any help with anything I'm here," Jongho offers a warm smile, "Don't feel bad about asking me for anything ever, okay?"

"I-I couldn't... I wouldn't ask you for money, Jongie," Wooyoung says, not wanting to be that person. He can make his own money for the bills.


He used to be able to.

Thinking about returning to Itaewon sends the same shivers up Wooyoung's spine as when he thinks about Jaehan. Of course, he can't have one without the other, so it's a given that both topics would cause him discomfort.

"I just wanted to let you know that it's okay if you did," Jongho reassures, "It's okay to need help, Woo."

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