Chapter Seventeen

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Yunho is focused on San and Mingi talking about something mindlessly when the air stirs beside him, a soft thump of someone sitting down. Yunho doesn't have to look, but he does from curiosity, to find Seonghwa on the side of him.

"Mind if I sit here?" Seonghwa smirks, giving Yunho a quick wink before he leans back on his hands and glances over at Seulgi on his other side.

Yunho can feel the rosiness of his cheeks from Seonghwa deciding to sit beside him, but a strange feeling courses through his stomach when he sees Seulgi's head rest on Seonghwa's shoulder briefly as she says hello.

"Not at all," Yunho mumbles and turns back to San and Mingi.

"You're no pussy, are you, Min?" San laughs, referring to Yeosang and Hongjoong not wanting to play with them.

"Hell no," Mingi snickers, "This will be nothing, I'm sure of it," A small smile settles onto his face at the new nickname and he's feeling so happy at this moment. San gave him a nickname just like how he calls Yunho 'Yun' more than his full name. He's actually merging into their friend group and he couldn't ask for anything more.

"Ah, ah, ah," Seulgi rubs her chin, "It might be more risque than you're thinking," she looks over to one of the boys that Yunho doesn't recognize, "Chan, get the bottles and cups, please. Seonghwa, would you like to explain what it is we're going to play?" He asks sweetly.

Seonghwa makes sure to eye everyone in the circle before he begins to speak, "It's truth or dare, but if you, for some reason, don't want to answer your truth or do your dare, you can drink a shot. We'll go around the circle spinning to see who it lands on, but just because you're the spinner, doesn't mean you have to ask truth or dare to that person. It's first come first serve."

Jongho is slightly confused, so he speaks up, "So if the bottle lands on me, then anyone can ask me truth or dare?"

"That's right."

Joy smiles, "I'll spin first, you will get the hang of it as we go."

Seulgi nods once Chan sets an empty bottle on the floor in the middle of them and spreads out a few of the full bottles of liquor along with red solo cups if anyone wants to pour their own rather than drink from the same bottles. He keeps a few shot glasses by his side as he sits back down.

The circle went into quiet mumbles as Joy crawled onto her knees and leaned in to spin the bottle. Yunho felt nervous about the rules, wishing it was the spinner asking the questions instead of anyone. He was hoping if it landed on him that it would be someone close to him spinning so they wouldn't ask anything too difficult for him to answer or do.

Yunho's breath caught in his throat as he saw the bottle slow down and stop facing him straight on.

"Truth or dare?" Seonghwa spoke up first, as soon as the bottle stopped moving.

Yunho slowly looked over at Seonghwa, his eyes no doubt looking full of as much fear as he's feeling, "T-Truth," he stutters out and feels embarrassed already for his misspeaking.

Seonghwa thinks for a moment, looking at Yunho intensely as his mind turned over possible questions, "Who was your first love? Romantic love," He made sure to clarify, knowing that many people would weasel themselves out of actually answering truthfully.

"I-" Yunho starts, and his gaze wants to tug towards San, but he knows it would be a dead giveaway so he sits there and looks down at the ground thinking. It won't be so bad to drink, right?

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