Chapter Thirty-Six

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Still haven't gotten ahold of him, Angel?

Yunho is calling...

Seonghwa picks up the phone to a heavy breathing Yunho, sniffling between each breath, "Hey, hey, don't cry, Angel... Calm down, talk to me."

"H-He," Yunho breathes in sharply, holding back a whimper and it makes Seonghwa's heart ache that he's not with his boyfriend at a time like this, "He still won't answer his phone... I-It just goes straight to voicemail. I was just on the phone with," He pauses to sniffle and wipe his nose with his pajama sleeve, "Jongho a-and he said San still hasn't come home... It's almost midnight, Hwa..."

"Don't worry, Yunho," Seonghwa says in a calm voice that Yunho appreciates, "Tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up with Wooyoung and Jongho and we'll all go see Yeosang in the hospital again, okay?" Seonghwa explains, laying back in his own bed, wishing that he was by Yunho's side, "Don't stay up too late worrying, Yun... I'll be coming around 6:00 AM, is that okay?"

Yunho nods even though Seonghwa can't see him, and after a few seconds of the silence, Seonghwa understands.

"Did you pray tonight, Angel?"

"Mmm... I did," Yunho sniffles, and Seonghwa can hear rustling from his end of the call, likely getting comfortable in bed, "I miss you," He whispers softly, "I'm just so scared, Hwa. I have this f-feeling in my stomach whenever I think about him and I don't know... I just don't know."

"Shh, shh, it's okay to be scared, my precious Angel. I miss you too and know that I'll be there in a few hours, okay? Calm that pretty stomach of yours and get some rest," Seonghwa has never been more gentle with a person than he's been with Yunho. It's like he's uncovered a whole new side of him that he never knew could surface, and it's making his heart swell.

Is this what a real relationship is like?

Seonghwa smirks to himself, shaking his head at how soft he's become. Yunho is the ruin of him, he just knows it.

Yunho finds a smile coming to his face at Seonghwa's words, finding it endearing how sweet and genuine his words sound over the phone. Yunho rolls onto his side and curls up into a ball, "I'll see you soon, Hwa," Yunho puts his forehead against the phone as if it were really Seonghwa, "Dream about me," He shyly giggles, trying to lighten his own mood from being so stressed recently.

"Oh, Angel... You don't have to ask for me to do that, I was already planning on it."

And with that, they both hung up the phone and drifted to sleep.

Yunho awoke to Seonghwa sitting on the foot of his bed with his mother in the doorway of his room.

"Finally that boy is awake," Yunho's mother says, "Seonghwa has been trying to wake you for five minutes, Jeong Yunho!" She scolds, but Seonghwa just chuckles.

"Did you forget about our adventure today?" Seonghwa asks, already having made up a fake story for the day to tell his mother in case Yunho hadn't told her about anything that's happened the past few days.

Yunho squints his eyes at the two figures, groggily sitting up and rubbing his eyes to un-haze his view, "Huh...?" He asks in a sleepy voice that Seonghwa has to hold back cooing to.

"We're going to the Trickeye Museum. Your mother was just telling me how you've never been before," Seonghwa says with a poise that impresses Yunho even in his less-than-awake state. He wishes he could lie that quickly and easily. Over the years of him sneaking out or lying to see San, he's never been particularly good at it.

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