Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hey, Angel ;)


Hwa? It's kinda late, don't you think?


It's never too late when it comes to you.

Are you in bed?


Haha, yeah, I just laid down actually :)


What are you doing in bed?



I just prayed and I was going to sleep before you rudely interrupted.


:( Angel, I'm not rude... Don't you miss me?

I'm sure your bed is lonely with just you in there, hmm?






What if I come pick you up? ;)


It's after 10, Seonghwa.


Yunho stares at the text messages, heat coming to his cheeks with every winky face that Seonghwa sends him. He feels a thump from his chest when Seonghwa suggests coming to get him, instinctually texting back an excuse. He tries not to look back at the text where he asked if he was lonely because... Yes, he was.

He hadn't talked to San since the other day, and he hadn't gotten out of the house other than to go to church service. To put it bluntly, Fall break has sucked so far for Yunho. These suggestive text messages from Seonghwa are as wild as it's gotten, and normally, he wouldn't complain, but recently he's been getting antsy.


Don't park directly in front of my house


That's my angel <3

Yunho's heart pounds as he sits up, quietly slipping out of bed. He's excited and also scared about seeing Seonghwa, he really needs to talk to him. It's been long enough being in the dark, and Yunho has to figure out what's happening between them and also between Seonghwa and Seulgi.

Yes, he may not love her, but cheating is a sin. And Yunho's done enough sinning.

Yunho slips on his shoes and a warm jacket, not bothering to change out of his silky blue pajamas, and he waits nearby his window to watch for Seonghwa's silver Mercedes.

He continuously glances back towards his bedroom door in fear that his parents might come in and see him, but he takes a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down before he sneaks out with Seonghwa of all people.

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