Chapter Ten

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Yunho looks up when the doors to the lecture hall open and he sees San striding out to him with a shit-eating grin on his face, paper in hand.

"Mission complete," San holds the paper up, and it looks to Yunho to be a giant red stamped 'F' on the front of a mathematics exam, "That was the easiest thing I've ever done, damn did they really think it would be that big of a deal?"

"San, that's going to lower your overall grade down so low that you'll have to makes straight A's the rest of the year to still pass the class," Yunho says, worry laced in his voice as he stares at the paper, taking it from his best friend's hands to study.

How could he have made a perfect 0%?

San groans and shakes his head, "No need to worry your pretty little head about it, Yun. You know I'm abosu-fucking-lutely stellar at maths," San takes the paper back and folds it up, shoving it into his pants pocket to keep for proof at the next Twilight meeting, "So, have you done yours yet?"

Yunho sighs, remembering the moment he unfolded the mission that he received from Seonghwa.

MISSION #1: Jeong Yunho

Sneak into Headmaster Han's office and spray paint 'CHEATER' onto his desk

(Proof is unneeded, as the news will surely spread)

"No... Not yet," Yunho mumbles as they walk to the soccer field together to where Seonghwa told him to go, inviting San along as well since he knew he'd already be with Yunho.

"You've got this, Yun. You still have a lot of time if you think about it," San smirks, "What do you think Seonghwa invited us out here for?"

Yunho shakes his head, another sigh escaping his lips, "I'm not sure, but he seemed amused when he invited me... At least we get to see Mingi, too," Yunho says, happy to see their new friend again.

"Mingi's a good guy, yeah?" San climbs over the fence into the soccer field while Yunho uses the gate, a loud laugh coming from San as he lands.

"Watch it, Choi!" The soccer coach yells out, his voice a twang angrier than normal, as it always is when San is around. He didn't find San to be particularly appealing. Especially not since his freshman year he streaked across the soccer field during the last game of the season, costing him a month of his summer to be spent fixing things around the campus since his parent's managed to get him out of being kicked out.

"Yeah, yeah!" San calls back, a playfulness to his voice as he climbs the bleachers with Yunho in tow.

"San, it's only our second year and you've almost gotten kicked out of school twice now..." Yunho sits down, flattening out his cream-colored button-up shirt and straight-legged trousers so they won't crease too badly.

San sways his torso back and forth before coming to a stop, looking over at Yunho, "They can't kick out someone that helps keep their exam scores so high," San smirks once again.

Yunho eyes San's pocket where his most recent exam paper is, "I'm sure after that, you're going to have to start being more careful..."

San makes a fake pouting look at Yunho before he ruffles up Yunho's soft brown hair, "Aw, Yun... Are you worried about me?" He puckers his bottom lip out.

Yunho feels his face heat up at San's sweet look, but he looks down at where his shoes meet the bleachers, avoiding San's eyes, "Shush, of course, I'd be worried..."

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