Chapter Twenty-One

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Once all the students file out of the lecture room, San has his bag slung across his chest and is about to exit as well when he shuts the door and leans his back against it, staring over at Professor Lee who's organizing things on his desk.

"Need some help, Professor?" San smiles, coming back over the Professor Lee's desk where he sat all class. He drops his bag back down and begins moving everything off of the desk, "I think... It looks better like this, hm?" San says seductively, lifting himself up to sit on the now-near-empty desk, "Maybe... Like this?" San unbuttons a few of the buttons on his shirt, revealing his smooth upper chest under Professor Lee's gaze.

Professor Lee's eyes trail San's body and return to meet his eyes, seeing the deep lust that's settled within them, "Ah," He hums, getting closer to San when he opens his legs for him to slot himself between, "I think I made a good choice in my assistant," He breathes against San's ear, letting his hand travel up San's stomach and chest until he's picking at the remaining buttons, "Organized and always so eager to help."

"I've been told I'm quite the helping hand," San chuckles lowly as his hand cups Professor Lee's crotch, feeling as it grows harder and harder under his touch, "My references were impressive, weren't they? I think I can show you just how impressive they really are," He groans when Professor Lee presses his lips to his neck, right beneath his ear.

"I'd love to see first-hand," Professor Lee's voice vibrates against San's skin, "Let's just keep this between us, right, Mr. Choi? We can't have any of this getting out, now can we?" He moves his hands down San's back and cups his ass roughly before he presses himself up against San.

"Mhm," San mumbles, moaning when Professor Lee presses against him, removing his hand to quickly undo his belt.

The next thing San knows is being flipped around on the desk, his bare chest now flush with the wood, his shirt hanging off of his body and his pants are down around his ankles. He feels Professor Lee's hard length against his ass and the way he holds his wrists in one of his large hands, "F-Fuck," San pants, not expecting to be manhandled like that.

"You like that?"

San nods and groans a 'yes' when he feels the familiarness of something entering into his body, knowing it has to be Professor Lee's length. Fuck, is this really happening?




San hears his ringtone start going off from his phone he'd laid on the desk beside him and he shakily reaches for it.

Incoming call: Yunho

Accept  |  Decline

San pushes the phone away from him, "Fuck, not right now," He mumbles and gasps loudly when he suddenly becomes empty, only to be filled right back up, feeling Professor Lee's hips right up against his cheeks and he whines out loudly. Too loudly.

Professor Lee's hand comes around his body and covers his mouth up to muffle his noises before he continuously pumps in and out of him, leaning onto San's body to press him further into the wood of the desk until Professor Lee's mouth is right on his ear, mumbling words that San can't seem to make out.

Did he put on a condom? San wonders to himself as he's getting pounded into the desk, but he tries pushing those thoughts away.

"You're so hot like this," San hears from behind him and he groans from the tight grip that comes onto his hips. San feels his other hand come around him to vigorously stroke his own length and San clenches his eyes closed as every time Professor Lee thrusts into him, his own hips bang up against the desk and his thoughts get jumbled through the mixture of pain and pleasure. He can't stop to think about how wrecked his body is going to be after this. He hates that.

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