Chapter Twenty-Two

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Yeosang kicked the dirt beneath his feet, having been early for the meeting this evening. His hands are in his pockets, crumpling against the paper flyer he'd brought for his 'proof' of being at that gay bar downtown. He hears mumbling and a big sigh come from the woods and out comes the rest of the guys he's been waiting for.

"What the hell do you think they're gonna do with this shit anyway?" San throws his failed exam paper onto the ground and steps on it with the toe of his shoe so it doesn't fly away as he lights up the cancer stick of pure menthol.

Wooyoung seems pleased with himself, standing next to Jongho closer than normal friends typically would, "Probably just keep it for themselves," He twirls Lee Minho's car keys in his fingers.

Jongho chuckles, "Maybe we'll take Lee's car out for a spin," He gently places a hand on Wooyoung's shoulder, which the smaller boy leans into easily. His comment makes San speak up instantly.

"Damnnnn, you really snagged his keys?" San laughs loudly, swinging his head back with how hard he's cracked up, "You gotta give me them when this meeting is over... Finally I'd be able to give that fucker a piece of my mind."

Yunho narrows his eyes at San and shakes his head, "If you drive his car anything like how you did the other night then you're as good as dead," He mumbles, "Don't give him those keys, Woo."

Wooyoung giggles, always finding his fellow member's antics amusing, "I wasn't planning on it, don't worry."

"Your driving is that bad?" Jongho asks, staring his brother down as he finishes up his cigarette, seeing him already plucking another out of the carton.


"You almost killed us, San," Yunho says, "You hit a bird for crying out loud!"

"Bird, shmird... Who knows what it was," San brushes it off, blowing out a cool puff of smoke towards his best friend, "You're still lucky I got you home on time," He winks and it makes Yunho feel weird. He doesn't like this similarity between San and Seonghwa... "I'd've thought you'd be thanking me, Yun. I'm not that bad, right, Yeo?"

Yeosang raises his eyebrows at San, "Ah, well," He thinks for a second, causing the group to laugh at everyone's clear hesitation with agreeing that San is, at the very least, a decent driver.

"Yeo, really? You too?" San groans, throwing himself onto one of the logs, "I'll have you all know that I've only gotten six tickets my whole driving life!"

Yeosang holds back a laugh, "Yeah, that's two tickets a year, San."

"It could be worse."

"Could it?"

"Are you all ready to present your proof if you have any?"

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