Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"What the hell is happening?" San yells as loud as his strained voice can go. He struggles against the chains, but his fighting only makes the pain in his wrists worsen, "D-Dad? Why am I here? Wh-Where's-"

"Shut up," Minhee narrows his eyebrows at the suddenly talkative man, "You're somewhere no one will be able to find easily."

Jaehan looks at his son again, but he still can't manage to for long. Instead, he focuses on Minhee, "Why is he here, Minhee?"

"I told you!" Minhee growls, "He. Knows. Too. Much."

"Did you kill Eunsang?" San questions, trying to keep his head raised to look at Minhee and his father, but it takes so much of his energy that he knows he won't be able to keep it up for long.

"Yes," Minhee laughs, "Is that the answer you've been wanting to hear?" He goes up to San, his face inches away from San's, "You wanted me to tell you that I killed your little friend's big brother? Who the fuck cares," He snickers and shakes his head, "Want to know what happened, hmm?"

San's eyes widen as Minhee gets up in his face, seeing his own reflection in Minhee's eyes. The bags under his eyes are atrocious to look at and he's a sickly pale color. He licks his chapped lips where the dried blood trailed in and tries to maintain his steady breathing the best he can. He sees the rest of the blood that has dried on his face, noting that it looks like it's coming from the top of his head since there's a dried pool on his forehead by his hairline.

Is that why his head hurts so badly...?

"Do you even know what he did?"

San doesn't say anything, choosing to stay quiet as he stares right into the soul of the man that holds control over whether he makes it out of here dead or alive.

"That fucking... He told my girlfriend that he liked her and wanted to be with her instead of her being with me. My fucking girlfriend. I loved that bitch, you know that? That stupid fuck Eunsang just wouldn't leave her alone. He always followed her around and I knew she hated it. She didn't even like him. He was a fucking loser," Minhee rants, running out of breath with how fast he's speaking at San.

San tries to take everything in, knowing that Minhee isn't telling the whole truth in the least bit. He can't be.

"He was a stalker. I told him to stay the fuck away from her. TO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MINA!" Minhee drops his head down and laughs quietly, "Well, he wouldn't. So I just had to make him stay away for good, hmm?"

Jaehan watches the exchange until Minhee raises his hand at San. Not knowing what Minhee was going to do, he goes over and yanks Minhee's shoulder back, getting him further away from his son.

"Don't touch him," Jaehan's voice is dark.

A crazed look crosses Minhee's face when he looks up at Jaehan, "Oh," He laughs hysterically, "You're too late on that one, isn't that right, Choi? Isn't that right?"

San feels sick and looks away in shame, not speaking a word to his father whom he knows is staring at him waiting for an answer. He doesn't want his father to know what he did — what he allowed this psychopath to do to him.

Minhee shakes his head and grabs hold of Jaehan's hand that he used on his shoulder, crunching it as hard as he can, "I'm starting to regret calling you here, Jae. It's like you don't even care about what you did getting out. Do you care? Huh? Do you? Do you?" The bones of Jaehan's hand makes a sick popping noise.

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